The march History of the March Timeline
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History of the March

The history of Errath


... 1 IH

Before the establishment of the Hellenic Empire

  • -4001 PI

    The First March
    Era beginning/end

  • -397 PI

    The Nameless Prophet
    Religious event

    A human priest appears in the city of Shebar claiming to bear the teachings of Urah, the creator god of the Kedi empire still widely worshipped in the area. Through his teachings this Prophet draws in many followers of all races, and the teachings gradually spread out to become the Uram religion. Claiming no man should be on par with the gods, the prophet orders his own name stricken from all records, and is remembered only as the Nameless Prophet. This marks the beginning of the Somaji calender.

  • -2 PI

    Classical Age
    Era beginning/end

Imperium Hellvenica

1 IH and beyond

  • 2 IH

    The Prophet Hellen
    Religious event

    The Prophet Hellen founds the religion that will bear her name, and unites a number of city-states in the Vesselle region. The cities form a unified government with elected representatives, forming the first Helvenic Republic.

  • 170 IH

    The Orcish Horde
    Military action

    The Northern orcs unite under one leader for the first time, marching on the Hellenic Republic to reclaim lost lands. The orcs surprise the Hellenic armies at first with clever tactics making use of shamanistic magic. The War lasts for over a decade, with the republic losing much land, and orc raiders make it as far as the city of Veselle. Fearing destruction, the republic elects a Dictator to take charge, the fifth dictator since the republic began. The new executive makes the first formal alliances with the Avienne elves to gain arcane magic to counter the orcs shamanic power.

  • 588 IH

    The Thanic Schism
    Religious event

    The High Prophet of the Helvenic Church delivers a decree that the sun god Thane, patron of humanity, is the highest deity of the pantheon, with all his siblings serving as lesser deities under him. The dismissal of divine equality that the church is based on causes major debate and sometimes violent upheaval through the empire. The High Prophet is replaced within a year, but the repercussions are far and wide, leading to the first separatist Thanish Churches. The schism brings regional and racial problems to the forefront, and scholars credit it for much of the weakening of Helvenic power.

  • 677 IH

    Fall of the Helvenic Empire
    Political event

    Giants assault the major cities of the Helvenic Empire, which now controls most of the continent. The Empire has become too bloated to effectively deal with the threat, and it mostly falls to local leaders and military to handle the attacks. An assault on Vesselle itself by the Storm Giant lord Veras destroys the imperial guard, and the giant personally kills the emperor, ending the imperial line. The giants are eventually defeated, though the reason for their appearance and eventual disappearance is not known to the common people. With the Empire broken, the people fragment under the local rulers, with many trying to claim to be the new seat of power. The age of the empire is done, and the age of kings and kingdoms has begun.

  • 700 IH

    Medieval Period
    Era beginning/end

  • 1087 IH

    1092 IH

    Robago's War
    Military action

    The Archmage Robago walks into the royal palace of Corteso and claims the crown by "Arcane Right", triggering a war of magical power that will be unequaled until the Dragon War. Dueling archmages summon and command forces that literally remake parts of the Midlands. Robago is finally defeated, but distrust and outright intolerance of magic dominates the Midlands for the next three hundred years.

  • 1163 IH

    The Rule of Hob

    The hobgoblin army of Korkusz overthrows the merchant council, establishing a two century military dictatorship. During this time the military conquests will take them into Somaj, claiming the land of Almut and claiming the cost from Shebar east. They will claim half the Navi islands, the southern end of Veselle, coastal Helgest, and all of Rattoparre. The Hobgoblin dynasty ends after military losses in both continents allow the goblin merchants to buy off the leaders.

  • 1242 IH

    1245 IH

    Yellow Death
    Plague / Epidemic

    An illness that strikes the streets of Adjadi soon spreads out along the trade routes, throughout Somaj, into Korkusz, and through there around the world. The disease turns into a plague, ravaging the lands, and killing entire cities. Rahasaya and Stroykost close their borders, but the disease spreads as far as Xian. No race or species seems immune, most clerics are unable to cure it, and the few who can are too small in number to stop the plague's spread. Victims find their skin taking on a yellow and rotting aspect as the body slowly weakens and dries out. It is estimated that over a quarter of the world's population dies before the disease runs its course.

  • 1395 IH

    Age of Enlightenment
    Era beginning/end

  • 1397 IH

    The Artificer's Fair
    Gathering / Conference

    A multinational magic fair is hosted in Korkusz, with the intention of showing off all the various forms of magic available in the world. The Merchant Princes hope to inspire further trade in magical goods and services, and especially their own artifice techniques. The fair is incredibly successful, inspiring new magical studies and rivalries, and begins the spread of artifice. The fair is also credited with rekindling magical interest in the Midlands and breaking the stigma left by Robago's War.

  • 1453 IH

    Discovery of Alkay
    Discovery, Exploration

    Following rumors gathered from the Mer, the Yorland captain Albert Bryant discovers the long thought mythological western continent. First contact is established with the Western elves With the aid of first mate Phin O'Shie, a red elf. The Yorlish merchants, eager to have an area to exploit that isn't already in competition begin establishing colonies in the new land. O'Shie reports the name of the new continent as Alkay.

  • 1562 IH

    1567 IH

    The Mad King's War

    The western colonies, hard hit by King Rikard's war demands for soldiers and resources, declare independence. The king responds by diverting many of his troops to "retake and punish the western peasants". The decree only intensifies the anti-noble sentiments of the colonies, and the revolution inspires a coalition of scholars and heroes. Chosen to lead is Derak Addam, an Alkay-born charismatic Yorlish noble who renounces all claims to land or title. The war of revolution goes on for five years. IN the end, the colonies win their independence and unite as the Imperial Republic of Addam.

  • 1565 IH

    The Siege of Caliber
    Military action

    Under the banner of Yorlish rule, the blue dragon Skar assaults and claims the city of Caliber, the largest city in the western colonies. The independence armies converge on the city, bolstered by the arrival of the Gold Dragon Vorbild from Helgest. The siege is brutal, claiming the lives of many heroes and both dragons, and destroying much of the city. Draiden Cully, the western archmage who is known to prefer actions to words, rallies the survivors, and declares the city and country will rebuild. Within a century New Caliber will become the most powerful trade city in the world.

  • 1567 IH

    Founding of the Imperial Republic of Addam

    With the end of the Mad King's War, the council of Alkay declare a new nation where the western colonies stood, based on the model of the Hellenic Empire. Derak Addam is chosen as the first Emperor, with his line becoming the only nobility recognized in the nation. The new nation forms a representative model of government for all other functions, based on the Hellenic model, and guided by modern concepts. With the power of merchants having been a driving force in the country since its inception, many see a more gold-driven philosophy similar to Korkusz as work. Within a century The Imperial Republic of Addam becomes a major trade power, rivaling Korkusz, Somaj, and Corteso.

  • 1701 IH

    The Modern Era
    Era beginning/end

  • 1703 IH

    The Dragon War Begins
    Military action

    The Drachenkaiser of Helgest launches invasions of neighboring Midlands nations, along with allies he has secretly gathered, with the express goal of bringing all of Hellenia under his rule in a new Hellenic Empire. What begins as a continent-wide war soon comes to involve nearly every known nation in Errath as all sides call on allies. As the war drags on, the Drachenkaiser begins to call on extra-planar allies, including divine Archons and elemental powers. Within a year of the archons, Helgest malconvokers begin to summon bound infernal forces.

  • 1705 IH

    The Burning of Hi'Vien
    Disaster / Destruction

    Hi'vien, the capitol of Avienne and homeland of the high elves, is devastated a a great wyrm red dragon assaults the city directly. In the chaos helgest infiltrators are able to open an infernal rift in the city center. Fiendish forces spill out and quickly turn the city into a hellscape. What is widely considered the most beautiful city in the world, and the center of Arcane learning, falls overnight. The entire elven country is quick to follow. Helgest forces steamroll the elven resistance, and most of the surviving population flees the country as refugees. The fall is a PR disaster for the Drachenkaiser however, as not only does it bring more countries into alliance against Hellgest, but causes many allies and citizens to question their allegiance.

  • 1712 IH

    The Resolution
    Military action

    With the aid of increasing planar alliances, Helgest finalizes control of the entire continent of Hellenia south of the Stroykost, where the two nations are engaged in fierce trench warfare. The Drachenkaiser appears to be in less control of his armies, as the planar powers begin to run rampant in the regions they control. The Allied Nations undertake a ritual on an unprecedented scale around the Midlands. As the armies hold off attack, the ritual known as "The Resolution" is completed. All planar connections to Midlands are severed. The war ends with the Midlands ravaged, Helgest crippled and reduced to its original boundaries. Many midlands refugees seek refuge in Addam. Stroykost begins construction of the Iron Wall along its southern border, finalizing the separation of the Midlands from the north.

  • 1717 IH

    The Present Day
    Era beginning/end

    Every county in the world is rebuilding after the war. Industrial progress in both magic and technology discovered during the war are changing life everyday. Many countries, but especially Addam, are dealing with large refugee populations. Addam is pushing further into the west, risking war with the elves of the Tol'Viel forest. The king of Merraine calls for a forum of nations to prevent another war on the scale of the Dragon War, but few nations above the waves respond. The fighting in Xian and the divided response weakens Imperial control, and talk of independence is spreading in many provinces. The Helgest invasion breached the jungle wall and exposed ruins in the Alsun desert, attracting fresh interest in the forgotten sections of the continent. In Addam the refugee situation causes overcrowding in the cities, and forces more problems on the frontier, while the rail wars intensify in the Great Desert.