The magic multiverse Renath Timeline
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From the Creation to the Degradation, the history of Renath is full of small events that led to great changes.

Post Degradation

1 Post-Degradation (PD) -> 2790 Post-Degradation (PD)

Events following the Degradation but preceding the Vordegashir, marked by a slow loss of life and vigour.

  • 1341 PD


    The Founding of Xa

    In this year, the Verdant Druids met for the first time as a group, naming their meeting place Xa, or the Centre, and thereby establishing a city.

    More reading
    The Free City of Xa
    Additional timelines
  • 2365 PD

    2368 PD


    The Conflict of Ganigash
    Religious event

    A ritual in the Ganigash foothills in the Kingdom of Sasila leads to the outlawing of a religion and a series of minor clashes between the Sasik Cavalry and the Verdant Druids.

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  • 2491 PD

    16 Virethir

    The Overthrow of Xa
    Disaster / Destruction

    The city of Xa is overwhelmed by the onslaught of the evil necromancer Veralke of Vistron, and its citizens either flee into the forests or become members of his undead horde.

    More reading
    Veralke of Vistron
    Additional timelines

The Gashir

Time loses all meaning, and the peoples of Renath begin a conflict that lasts no time at all and forever at the same time.

  • -
    The Reflowering

    The combined efforts of the Grand Marquisate of Helwin, the Confederation of Woîjne, the Kingdom of Sasila, and the remnants of the Verdant Druids in exile finally beat back the hordes of Veralke of Vistron to recapture Xa.

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1 Nedegashir (NG) onwards...

Events following the devastation of the Vordegashir, the long decade-long conflict that pitted every single nation in Renath against each other.

  • 54 NG

    2 Wadethir
    54 NG

    18 Dorethir

    The Treaty of the Flowering Wood
    Gathering / Conference

    After much negotiation and a few minor interruptions, the Grand Marquisate of Helwin, the Confederation of Woîjne and the Verdant Druids hammer out an agreement that leads to the declaration of the Free City of Xa.

    More reading
    The Free City of Xa
    Additional timelines