The magic multiverse The Overthrow of Xa
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The Overthrow of Xa

Disaster / Destruction


The city of Xa is overwhelmed by the onslaught of the evil necromancer Veralke of Vistron, and its citizens either flee into the forests or become members of his undead horde.

For years, the Verdant Druids of Xa had permitted open trade along the main roads between Helwin and Woîjne. This meant that the Flowering City became a place with merchants who did not share their beliefs, even some who sought to undermine the Druids' power over the region.   One such person was Veralke of Vistron, a Sasik man who searched for somewhere peaceful to work on his dreadful experiments. A sage by trade, he became swayed to study the secrets of life and death, and eventually practiced necromancy. He raised many ghosts and skeletal minions to guard his rundown manor in the nearby woodlands, which began to draw the attention of the Verdant Druids.   Suddenly, one late summer morning, he let them loose on Xa. They somehow numbered in the thousands, and the Verdant Druids, for all of their might, could not stop the rolling tide of bones and death. The best they could do was sequester their order and as many of their followers as possible within the Quilted Tower and magically transport the building to safety.   Whatever living creatures in the city soon fled into the forest or were killed and raised again to fight in Veralke's undead army. Traders and sensible people shunned the area, and the Grand Marquisate of Helwin often had to fight off the occasional attack by some of Veralke's horde.

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The Free City of Xa (article)