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You didn't need to do more than look around to know that your father's subjects looked very different from him. Where your father (and you) had bright orange and yellow scales on the surface of your bodies, the tepilar subjects had only thin, pasty skin. Your ears were frilly and covered in spiny ridges, while they only had round, smooth ones. They were smaller, thinner, weaker, and generally less interesting. They didn't even breathe fire, which made them even less interesting.   But despite their weak appearance, they worked so incredibly hard. They farmed the land for much of their lives, or carved wood or crafted tools. They were guards for your father's castle and smiths for the castle's men. They rarely complained, and they seemed so eager to help.   You miss them now, as you wander the steppes in search of aid. The Kaharians might be able to help, but their villages don't follow paths, or at least none that you can see. You take a few more steps before falling to your knees in the sheer dry heat of this land. You're just about to close your eyes when you catch a glimpse of a few horsemen galloping towards you...


Due to their extremely high population, the tepilar are the race from which all other races are compared. They come in a variety of skin tones and features, from the dark ebony of the Vatarians to the pale hardiness of the Quempians. They have a simple appearance, with no supernatural elements or obvious special abilities.

Civilization and Culture


The tepilar have always been a major force in the world. Even in the First Era, they outnumbered all other races combined, if the Hymn of the Eselar is completely trustworthy. The Hymn lists 118 separate human settlements on Daganti, including where they could be found in relation to each other. Most of them, according to this record, would have been underwater after the Great Sundering, and likely wouldn't have survived the devastation of that time.   The few nations that did survive immediately banded together to keep themselves alive. Many found themselves under the control of The Star Empire, and those groups later became the De'arians, the Lorians and the Kaharians. Others further north gathered around the Foltras family and founded the Empire of Quempo. Still others formed smaller city-states and nations across the Thousand Stars and what would become the Kingdom of Bomsi and the United Townships of Britaxia.   Centuries past, empires rose and fell, and even still there are huge cultural differences from one ethnic group to the next. Those in direct contact often get into conflict with one another, and those on their own had to defend themselves from the harsh environments in which they lived.

Common Myths and Legends

Humans love telling stories. Every culture has its own pantheon of mythical heroes, tall tales, and credible legends that have lasted through the thousands of years of history.   Common threads among humans include stories of loss connected to the Great Sundering, stories of exploration and discovery, and tales of heroes and great leaders who save their people, sometimes at the cost of themselves.

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

Tepilar are so commonplace that even the most remote elven communes have at least seen one. Very few people hold grudges against them, and even if they do it's usually due to not knowing them very well at all.   Some elves in particular have a nasty hatred of the tepilar, believing that they are trying to rob them of their god-ordained heritage and power. Many of them are members of the Starshine Academy, but even then it is not common.
Also known as

Genetic Descendants
65-80 years
Average Height
1.6-1.9 metres tall.
Average Weight
55-80 kg.

Naming Traditions and Languages

The names and languages used by a given group of tepilar will heavily depend on their ethnicity. Certain regions of Orkanis will have a mix of various cultures, especially if the settlement in question is a major trade hub. The creation of Common Orkanisan was specifically to counter the language barrier between tepilar traders from all over the world.  

Geographic Districution

A better question would be to ask where tepilar haven't been! Major tepilar nations, city-states and settlements are scattered all over the world, from the frozen reaches of Northpost to the sweltering tropical heat of Niganta to the wild and inhospitable shores of Nātor.
Art Credit: emperorcharlesii (me!)

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