Jirt Grublu Character in The Magic Multiverse | World Anvil
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Jirt Grublu

Written by EmperorCharlesII

In the centre of Mor-Fal, you see a large statue through the ash-flecked glass domes. It shows a young goblin woman holding a staff in one hand and a curved sword in the other. The figure wears a long black robe that is made of a different stone than the plain grey stone around it.   While the otraylar are not usually inclined to masonry, this statue is very well crafted. Because of this, you ask your guide who the statue is of.   Tresh suddenly goes quiet, a departure from his usually blabbering self. He looks at you fixedly for a moment, then lowers his head.   "That is the great Jirt Grublu. Our greatest champion and the example that we try to uphold every day."

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

What few physical descriptions exist of her give her a short frame, even among the small otraylar, and short hair.

Special abilities

Jirt had a powerful command of the Form of Fire, although she was well-verses in the other arcane Forms as well.

Specialized Equipment

She was the holder of an ancient goblin relic known as the Robe of Daroon, which was lost not long after her death.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Jirt Grublu grew up in a peasant family among her people, but she was quickly whisked to become one of the disciples of Waltar Fodo, the great goblin mage. Learning the ways of magic, she became incredibly adept in the Form of Fire.   Not long after her tenth birthday, her village was ransacked by the army of the Baron of Shakida, and she fled to the mountains. There, she gathered her group of rebels, calling themselves the Golden Eye of Megliai.   For the next eighteen years, she slowly trained an army of otraylar and sympathetic xertilar, using her strong will and magical prowess to help keep them united. Her fight culminated in the Battle of Mor-Fal, where she finally routed the Baron’s armies and declared the ash-covered plains of Grey Devastation as the homeland of the otraylar race.   She was already quite venerable by goblin standards by the time she won the battle, so she spent the next five years cementing the tenets of otraylar culture.


She learned how to manipulate magic from her teacher Waltar Fodo.

Accomplishments & Achievements

She protected her race from the machinations of the Baron of Shakida and helped establish the otraylar as a proper society. The town of Mor-Fal was also founded by her after the previous village on that spot had been destroyed.

Personality Characteristics

Savvies & Ineptitudes

Jirt was a well-trained leader and a brilliant tactician. The reason her conquest was so successful was because she knew the right time to strike and the right time to retreat.   On the other hand, her obsession with reforming her race’s homeland after her conquest was so all-consuming that she neglected her xertilar allies. Therefore, she wasn’t exactly considered a good diplomat.

Likes & Dislikes

She was known to have an appreciation for the simple life, and despite her high status among her people she would often be seen helping farmers with their harvesting or aiding with the cleaning of her people’s glass domes.   Her justified hatred of the Baron of Shakida coloured relations between the two nation-states for much of the following eras, and the fallout of that hatred is still a sore spot for many modern Britaxians.


Family Ties

Her family, House Grublu, is still the ruling family of the city of Mor-Fal to this day, over a millennium later.

Social Aptitude

Jirt was admired among her people for her selfless nature and her rousing speeches.

Hobbies & Pets

Her magical prowess was often studied and deepened in her spare time.
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Lady of the Devastation, Defender of the Glass, Heir to the Fire Lord.
110 BCE 73 BCE
Quotes & Catchphrases
"Where you find ashes, you find both the one setting the fire and the one putting it out."
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations
Known Languages
She spoke Otrayish and Britaxian (or what would become it, anyway) very well.
Art Credit: emperorcharlesii (me!)

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