Xertilar Ethnicity in The Magic Multiverse | World Anvil
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After he finishes his traditional ballad, the xertilar performer lifts his lute in the air and the small crowd cheers. He winks in your general direction, and you catch yourself blushing. The tavern is loud and hot, though, so it is simply additional noise and heat. It starts to get too much, and you wonder why you expected the most famous tavern in Siltaj to be a quiet place.   You step out to get some fresh air, and remember that fresh air is a rare thing underground. The city is built into the mountain, and you would have walk quite a long time to get to your chambers near the main gates.   You finally begin to walk towards the main gates, the weight of the day's travels finally beginning to weigh on your frame. You don't get very far before you come face to face with the xertilar performer. You get the chance to see him a little more clearly.   He wears simple white and grey clothes, stained under the armpits and along the bottom of the pants. It makes the dark grey of his skin seem even darker and matches his silver hair. He has small green earrings in his pointed ears, and his smile is bright. He wears a simple pack over his shoulder with his lute dangling out a little.   "I am sorry to interrupt, but I figure you're not from around here." he says in lightly-accented Common. "I was wondering..." He loses his train of thought as a group of guards pass in the street. He shakes his head to clear his mind. "I was wondering if you would mind having a little company on your way to wherever it is you are going? I am starting to feel the need to travel." He winks again, and you can't help but wonder what he means.   You grunt a little, but then nod. "I suppose..."   He hops a little in spot in celebration, causing his lute to jostle in his pack. "Thank you! I am Malcar Xironë. It's a pleasure to make your acquaintance. Now, we are you headed?" His grey eyes twinkle in curiosity.


The xertilar are sometimes called the dusk elves because their appearance is reminiscent of the dark. Their skin is a dark grey, almost black in some individuals. Their eyes are usually a grey or off-white colour, although rarely oranges or yellows are seen. Their hair is commonly white or grey as well. They have a slim physique as all ibelilar do, although they are often even thin by elven standards.


Shared customary codes and values

The xertilar are incredibly fascinated by art. Creativity is highly prized, and the best musicians, poets, writers, and magicians come from the xertilar race (or so they claim).

Common Etiquette rules

Contrary to many races, and many common assumptions about the dusk elves, greetings and goodbyes are rare. It is common practice to begin a conversation without much in the way of introduction. This custom is less common among those descended from the nobles of the Grand Court of Xarolan.

Common Dress code

Due to the dark nature of their home, colours are not highly prized in their culture. Most wear rather simple clothing, coordinating their wardrobe so that they only have one or two major colours at any one time. The richer may wear jewelry or more elaborate clothing, but the insistence on simple colour palettes remains.

Art & Architecture

Art is heavily prized in all of its forms. Music and songwriting is the most well-regarded of the arts, and troubadours and musicians from xertilar cities were highly prized at the courts of major nations.

Common Taboos

The xertilar have a dislike of direct sunlight; it does not hurt them, but centuries underground have made its light too bright for many of them.


Beauty Ideals

Those with the whitest hair and clearest skin are usually considered the most beautiful by the standards of the xertilar. They are also very worried about signs of aging, and wrinkling and unruly hair are large worries for xertilar interested in their appearance.

Gender Ideals

The women of the xertilar are the most interested in travelling and indulging the race's inner wanderlust. The men are then usually left to take care of the children and the home, although exposure to other cultures has begun to reverse these roles.

Major organizations

The Sunsoul Dominion used to be the major nation of the dusk elves, but its fall a couple of centuries ago has left it and the Grand Court of Xarolan in shambles. Beyond that, many travelling music troupes are headed by or contain xertilar, and some Quempian academies of the arts hire xertilar for their creative efforts.
Also known as
Dusk elves

Encompassed species
Related Myths
Related Locations

Naming Traditions

Male Names: Ascar, Boltar, Cilinë, Daxë, Dolxi, Ëxëlir, Fiscë, Loxnë, Malcar, Oruxi, Ritar, Vizec, Xinë, Xicoplar, Zaltar   Female Names: Atalë, Cinëm, Entëxi, Ësexawë, Gilwë, Lixë, Mazë, Nitarë, Orumë, Prutaxë, Quisa, Sanaxë, Xipalë, Yosuza, Zilë  


Xertian is the main language of the xertilar, but due to the destruction of the Sunsoul Dominion, many now live with other races such as weddelar or smeloplar. If so, they often learn the languages of those people  

Geographic Distribution

The traditional homeland of the xertilar is located in the mountainous regions of the world. Kral-Dogash, the Iron Peaks and the Ashkeep Mountains are the most populous regions, but small numbers still live in the devastation of the Darkened Peaks and other older ruins. Of course, many now live in dwarven or gnome settlements like Siltaj.
Art Credit: emperorcharlesii (me!)

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