Aslgar Scherni Character in The Magic Multiverse | World Anvil
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Aslgar Scherni

As the guards arrive at the scene, you can see a figure coming out of the group of guards. From his elaborate armour and crested helmet, he must be the local Captain of the Imperial Army/Imperial Navy. You can see the group of guards part for him out of respect, not fear or obedience as he strides towards you. You can see that he has short beard and thick eyebrows, giving a roughened and stern look to his face. He has a hand on the longsword at his side.   "Greetings. I am Aslgar, the Captain of the local Army garrison." his gravelly voice pronounces. His eyes stray to the body on the ground, and you can see his eyebrows furrow in concentration. "What has happened?"

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Aslgar is a strong man, with his muscles contained under his armour and his balding hair kept under his helmet. He may or may not have a short beard, and he carries a sword and a crossbow at his waist.

Body Features

He is reasonably muscular, thanks to a life spent on the army and in the mines before that.

Facial Features

He often carries a very stern face with thick eyebrows and a slight hollowness to his cheeks. He is usually clean-shaven, but he may sport a short beard from time to time.

Identifying Characteristics

He has a tattoo of an eagle that flies up his back, although he rarely shows it to anyone.

Physical quirks

His sword hand is his left, which is notable.

Apparel & Accessories

On duty, Aslgar mostly wears his armour. Outside of work and/or in the evening, he'll change out of his military uniform and into a red tunic and brown trousers, with very little additional adornment.

Specialized Equipment

Aslgar wears the scale armour and crested helmet common to Captains in the Army, along with his favoured longsword and crossbow.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Aslgar hails from a small region in northern Schinter, as evident from his last name. His family were miners, and Aslgar worked in the tunnels for a couple of years himself. But when he got into the army at seventeen, he got fast-tracked to a leadership position because of his natural charisma and his physical prowess. He has spent the last five years as a Captain in Freebrook, seeing them through the bandit attacks of three years ago.   When Nib the Stableboy and some elementals attacked the local marketplace in 182 II , Aslgar and his men responded and found the Drakeslayers defeating the creatures. After taking the four of them in for questioning and finding them innocent of any wrongdoing, he thanked them for their help. When the Drakeslayers returned from saving the Magistrate's wife Flora Fardaker, he allowed them to follow up on the bandit attacks and provided their reward when they had brought The Dragon Heresy members and The Nine Daggers merchants to justice.


  • He had to attend some schooling before he could be a Captain, with most of that education being history, combat training, and survival training.
  • Employment

  • He spent a couple of years in the mines before going into The Imperial Army.
  • The past seven years, he has been in the Army, with the last four or five as a Captain.
  • Mental Trauma

  • Aslgar struggles with an addiction to gambling, which he picked up in command school.
  • Intellectual Characteristics

    Aslgar is very quick to judge, which makes his job of catching criminals significantly easier. He has a very calculating mind, always weighing the pros and cons of an action; he can take quick action when he needs to, however.

    Morality & Philosophy

    Aslgar is often called a bit stern by his soldiers or townsfolk, but these people are commonly mistaken. He just takes his role as Captain very seriously, which commonly means that he has to hold the line against disobedient troops. A lot of his knowledge of philosophy is just what he's experienced; there are only a few kinds of people, and it pays well to know which kind the person you're dealing with is.


  • He is not fond of cats, although he wouldn't call it a fear of them per se.
  • Personality Characteristics


    Aslgar wishes to rise to a higher rank in the Army so that he can show his devotion to the Empire and his skill at leadership. Becoming a Lieutenant of the Imperial Army is his current focus, although he needs a couple more years of good service before he could be considered for that role.   His love of gambling can also be a drive, depending on the circumstances. He isn't one for risks, but if there's a reward at the end, he might be more willing than most to risk it.

    Savvies & Ineptitudes

  • He has native talent for leading men (or bullying them into submission, depending on the man in question).
  • He also is proficient with many dice and card games.
  • Likes & Dislikes

  • His job depends on him keeping order in his garrison and order in the town at large, so lawbreaking and vigilantism are no-go's for him.
  • He loves games of chance and games of skill, especially if a sum of money is involved.
  • Virtues & Personality perks

  • He is very charismatic, with a natural talent for leadership
  • He can be quite down-to-earth, and he can quickly recognize the advantages and disadvantages of being strict and being less so.
  • Vices & Personality flaws

  • His addiction to gambling.
  • He can get a little too authoritative if a guard is caught trying to bend the rules or reprimand someone unnecessarily.
  • Hygiene

    He keeps himself immaculately groomed and cleaned, as per military guidelines. So much so, in fact, that he can usually be found imposing that regimen on others.


    Contacts & Relations

  • As a Captain of the Imperial Army, he has a direct line to the General of the Imperial Army and to the local Head Magistrate of the Gratic Empire.
  • He also is well-acquainted with many of the local townspeople, especially the two smiths Wesel Dashadir and Karin Nemed.
  • Family Ties

    He married his childhood sweetheart, Feni, just before leaving for command school, and when he was stationed in Freebrook, her and their infant child, Galk, came with him. The two of them have a great relationship, and he was recently surprised to learn that she was pregnant with their second child.

    Religious Views

    Aslgar attends Temple services like everyone else, and he participates in such ceremonies when appropriate, so he can be said to be fairly religious by Gratic standards.

    Social Aptitude

    He exerts a natural charisma and he is a shrewd judge, making it difficult to deceive or intimidate him. He has a strong confidence, although he may have misgivings about an action if he hasn't had a moment to ponder it. His ego rarely comes into play, as he tries to make the struggles of the Army his struggles rather than the other way around. He is very well-mannered, as proper etiquette is one of the things that command school taught him.

    Hobbies & Pets

  • Gambling is his only true hobby, and he is always up for a game of cards or a game of dice.
  • Speech

    His voice is low and a little gravelly from years of shouting and commanding.

    Wealth & Financial state

    As a Captain of the Imperial Army, he is very wealthy. He often spends much of his salary on his gambling habit, but what he keeps he puts into raising his family and making sure they are comfortable and cared-for. His house is second only to the Magistrate's in terms of wealth and furnishing, with several rooms and a small stone wall around the complex.
    Current Location
    Year of Birth
    1987 CE
    Current Residence
    Blue and misty.
    6' 5" (7 handspans).
    153 lbs. (463 IS's)
    Aligned Organization
    Known Languages
    His native tongue is the Schintian dialect of Common Gratic.
    Ruled Locations
    Art Credit: emperorcharlesii (me!)

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