Belia Naehieshe Reia Character in The Lost Chronicle of Bloodstone | World Anvil
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Belia Naehieshe Reia

(good) Elvish Druid[Moon] / Wizard[Abjurer]
  Also goes by "The Druid of the Valley" and sometimes as Druh'imlad Gúl (a Moon Elvish name of some sort, but not a proper name). She is rumored to have another strange arcane name of some type, but none are certain as to what that is.   She is one of two Heroes of Bloodstone that still resides in the valley (the other being Hammerhand Grothelbeez). They are both older, but Belia will outlive him significantly as her elvish life is long and still has at least two centuries to go. She may even outlive all of the new heroes who must rise up if Bloodstone is to be defended again against new threats.   Belia has two homes. The one that is relatively well known is her tree residence in the vicinity of the Centaur's main Khirk-Fiodh. This home has a mail slot, and is occasionally visited by Centaurs, Wood Elves, and those humans of Breaking Bluff that are in need of help or medical attention. There is no known pattern or schedule Belia keeps with regard to time here versus time at her other home, a hidden refuge southwest of Waukeshire. Located somewhere in The Darkwoods it is impossible to find and only a rare few mortals have ever seen it (less have set foot inside it). Conflicting rumors say it is a tower, or perhaps a pearlescent dome, another that is it fashioned from trees shaped to form a suspended fortress. Maybe none of this is true, maybe all of it is.  

  Belia is a kind Moon elvish woman, born over five centuries ago in the Dalelands. Her hair is long and mostly straight, a mix of sandy blonde and silver. Her eyes are an unusual beautiful pink, but in some seasons or cycles, her eyes have appeared green. Her style favors light flowing dresses when it's warm and a sleeved surcoat of heavy material in the cold months. She has outgrown the haughtiness of her people and enjoys the company of all who wish for peace in the Valley. While warm and kind, she can also be very demanding. She is known to chaff at the presence of boors, miscreants and those creatures that cannot carry themselves respectfully. Her philosophy is one of harmony. Her life goal is to see the gaps between those who are disharmonious bridged. She is often sad, but her sadness does not consume her, her smile is seen frequently and shared generously with friendly travelers and visitors.
Current Location
Year of Birth
891 DR 505 Years old
Pink (alternately Green)
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Pale (Moon Elf)
The Druid of the Valley
Druh'imlad Gúl   Alternative Locations
The Darkwoods