Revan Character in The Library of Dekash | World Anvil


Revan Vlatson (a.k.a. Grey Revan)

Revan was born to a mother in southeast Caeladonia who was "blessed" with the child of the Archfiend Zulex who used the Dark Artifact Demonsbane to split his soul in two parts. One a perfect vessel of corrupted darkness to enact his will, the other a "spare" to house the vessel and allow it to blend into society day to day.   The vessel housed all of the parts of Revan that Zulex saw useful. All of his strength, rage, and courage. It left Zulex a fearful child who would have outbursts of intense violence whenever threatened. His demonic origins led to his mother handing him over to a monastery where he was raised by nuns. As he grew and continued to suppress his emotions, the demonic presence inside him grew stronger. The nuns, fearful of the power told him to hide what he was and through that he learned to repress it even further. This led to periods of blackouts where the demon would take full control and exact his revenge on those who wronged him.   In his early childhood, Revan took an interest too researching the world around him through dimensional magic. He began to experiment with phasing himself partly into his own pocket dimension to be able to walk through walls, and phase through anything he could think of. As the originator and sole user of Phase Walking, he still needs to refine it, as if he is unable to work it properly he then is harmed more than a regular amount.   In addition to the study of dimensional magic, Revan also took a particular interest in The Abyss, Where he studied mainly the Gate House, where Zulex the Archfiend of Order, resides.   Wanting to learn more about the power inside him to find ways to combat it, he went to Caeladonia and found work with a librarian where he could start studying the powers of the archfiends. Shortly after a blackout, he found the librarian dead and assuming it was him, he fled when guards started questioning him. He stowed away on a cart bringing supplies to Crow's Fort and fell asleep in the camp.   Another blackout followed after which he woke up in the Luxord Family Mausoleum found as the only person inside with Aien Yinvyre having been witnessed entering just before, and the Holy Mythril Blade, Ghost missing.   With suspicion on him, Legato Littlefoot, Sona, and Mercury Luxord-Vlatson investigated his relationship to the disappearance and decided to keep him with them; both to keep an eye on him and, at Lemuel Sheridan's urging, for his usefulness.   It was while investigating a singularity that took them into The Abyss, they ended up needing the power of the sword of the Archfiend of Control, Azmodeus. With them not wanting to avoid having to fight a god, Revan realized that he had power of another Archfiend of Control within him, and was able to manifest the sword Demonsbane that split his soul.   With control of the sword, Revan was able to restore his fractured personality and merge with his demon half to become the half human, half demon person he truly was, creating his current self known as Grey Revan. He continued traveling with the The Heroes of Crow's Fort and fled the city with them when they discovered the Mindflayer that they had clashed with several times, Dagoruk had replaced their leader Aien Yinvyre.   He and the rest of the Heroes of Crow's Fort after finding out about Mercury Luxord-Vlatson's evil deeds and cornering him, watched on as Lokir and Legato killed him; and in doing so, released the Deep from its vessel and beginning the end of the world.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Slightly buff

Special abilities

Uses telekinesis to Crush his opponents. Uses a subclass of dimensions known as "Phasing" to walk through matter.

Specialized Equipment

Weilder of the Demonsbane.

Mental characteristics


Leading expert in Phasing magic, as he is the only one to use it. A scholar in both Dimensions, and in studied of The Abyss, with a specialization in the Gate House.
Divine Classification
Half Archfiend/Demon
Lawful Neutral
Year of Birth
237 ARLH 18 Years old
Circumstances of Birth
Was blessed by Zulex
Short brown hair
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Currently a shade of grey
Aligned Organization


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