Crow Character in The Library of Dekash | World Anvil


Born to a well off family in Titanus, Crow was't satisfied with being handed everything she ever wanted and so she left her family behind to make her own fortune. She soon found herself in the employ of Thaler who was trying to gain influence in the city. This led to her uncovering a plot from the nobility of Caeladonia selling the city out to Vampires for political and financial gain. This created the chain of events leading to Titanus declaring its independence and renaming itself Liberus.   She then connected Thaler to the group of adventurers that stopped a terrorist attack in the Liberus main square and joined them as Thaler's Enforcers who would go on to fight Caeladonian interests trying to take back Liberus. In the end, she was unable to stop her home from being destroyed in the Manadrop event.    As an ally of Adam Faera, Thaler was able to offer her property in Arcadia in exchange for her service. She continued working with Thaler for Fortune Networks and was even the one who named the ships used by the Voyagers.
121 ARLH 187 ARLH 66 years old
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