Azzartian Ethnicity in The Kingdoms of Steel | World Anvil
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The peoples descended from and most strongly influenced by the ancient Azzartians are known for their great cities and feats of architecture, as well as their legalistic attitudes. The Isserites of the Azzart Mountains believe strongly in the importance of tradition, and they still use the mighty longbows of the Iron Empire. The Turantians are known to be strongly individualistic merchants, who believe in equality between men and women, and between social classes. The Tiirianites build great ships for trade, exploration, and war, while their mystics commune with their ancestors and pagan gods. The Helvennites are famed musicians and crossbowmen, who largely wish to be left alone in their hilly homes. The Hiddranites are militaristic loyalists of the long-dead Iron Empire, known for their fortifications and longbows.


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