Raid Leader Rank/Title in The Great Tree | World Anvil

Raid Leader

As seen in


A Raider may choose to demonstrate an ability to lead, meaning that they have a mind for tactics and the ability to effectively communicate that tactic to the rest of the raiders. This must be proven time and time again, by repeatedly suggesting better, more effective ways of gathering resources. Or simply by virtue of their tactics keeping injuries and deaths of the Family to an absolute minimum.
A Raider may also prove their right to Lead by demonstrating that they are simply a better fighter. A challenge may be issued to the Raid Leader by a Raider, to which this is witnessed by both the High Priestess and the Chief. Should the Raider show their combat prowess being superior to the current Leader, the title will be given to the Raider. Though this may be vetoed by either the High Priestess of Chief if not both. Despite being able to prove oneself as a better fighter, the Family still needs raids to be effective. A competent fighter doesn't necessarily mean an effective Leader.
This fact is known, and the Challenge is typically issued by Raiders who have proved their competence prior to the challenge being made. This is to reduce the risk of the Mother and Father deciding the challenger is not a good fit for the role.


There are three methods by which one of the Family may become a Raid Leader. The first of which is by merit alone. The Raider must demonstrably be able to show their mind of mixed unit tactics, survivability and resource acquisition. The more effective the methods used, the more the other raiders will push the candidate in question to challenge the current Raid Leader.
The Second method is by a Right of Might Trial. The candidate must be able to prove their physical superiority to the rest of the clan. Trial by combat witnessed by the Mother and Father as well as the rest of the Clan. Should the candidate succeed in their Trial they will attain the rank, so long as they don't have any other glare flaws that should cause the effectiveness of the raids to suffer.
The Third and final way to attain the rank is by appointment by the Chief. Simply put, the Chief can and has chosen raiders of any particular crew and given them the rank. This isn't a baseless appointment however, the aforementioned qualifications must be met to begin with. Though all acting Chiefs typically pick fresh blood for the role, seeing new perspectives as a benefit to the methods used by the clan. So long as the new methods are truly a benefit.


The above all duty of the Raid Leader is to bring the family back home. Failed raids are considered failures if any raiders are injured or killed. Regardless of the amount of supplies and materials brought back, the loss of a single life trumps anything acquired. If there are too many failed raids, they risk being challenged and stripped of the rank. They may step down on their own as Ghet had, they may be stripped of rank directly by the Chief.
The second duty of the Raid Leader is finding targets to hunt and pillage that offer high reward, low risk. The raiders being the primary way the goblins gather food and materials to help them survive the winters and to grow the Clan. The Leaders are tasked with making this as efficient as possible. While risk being a broad term, this applies to both the level of lethality to their raiders, as well as the possibility of angering the Cities of City of Glaion, Port De Renard and WIllowbrook.
Their third duty is to teach their raiders to be more effective raiders. Pushing them to sharpen all their skills, both domestic as well as combative. This is also a religious duty to each member of the Family, as they need to be ready at any time to join Bhal in the Shores Beyond, being his soldiers in death. This has the additional benefit of allowing them to survive longer, pushing off that immortal duty.
Their last duty is to be the frontline defense of the Clan. If the village comes under threat, the Raid Leaders are expected to eliminate the threat as quickly as possible. Should this be the Harpies or a band of thieves or the CIty Watch, the raiders will be dispatched to resolve the matter. They will receive additional orders from the Chief, should he deem the threat to need multiple Raiding crews to deal with it. The Chief became the de facto point of command for all the raiders from this point, the Leaders disseminating the orders down to the rest of the raiders.
"For those who have fallen, we forsake nought. The Skies will welcome the family home once again."
Religious, Military
Equates to
The Raid Leader is a middle rank in the family of the Goblins of the Skullbrood Clan. Holding the same weight and power as a Colonel in modern military rankings of the Kingdom Of Galus. Higher than a Raider who report directly to the Raid leader but not holding the same weight as the High Priestess or the Chief.
The Raid Leaders are the officers on the front lines, who remain independent of the clan while the are out of the village. Their word is law when outside Clan Territory.
Source of Authority
Chief of the Skullbrood clan, or by Right of Might
Related Locations
Ilgor had earned her rank as Raid Leader as a mix of methods. She demonstrated a clear mind for tactics as well as combat prowess. Though she was appointed by Yorm to become a Raid Leader after her leader passed away in his sleep.


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