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Nehmo (Neh-Mo)

The Nehmo were once a tribe of elves that originally was native to the continent of Nog Hhreud. During the Bloodletting, when the forest burned they fled their homeland in search for a land of endless peace. They went south and walked the edge of the Stone Sea only to be chased away by the dwarves. The pushed onwards and through the lands of the dwarves. Eventually they came across a vast mountain range, with the last of their strength they crossed the treacherous mountains. On the other side they found an endless beautiful forest. Fearful of what lurked within they entered the forest in the hopes no living thing could find them. Years passed as the Nehmo lived in peace with the animals and creatures of the forest but never forgot the past. For centuries they have stayed on guard, waiting for anyone who still hunts them.


Shared customary codes and values

At heart the Nehmo are still a nomadic people. They often have multiple homes that they will move between during the year for several reasons. Historically they would move to a new area in the forest as a way to remain hidden. In current years, the movement between homes is meant to honor what their grandparents for what they endured. Larger families have been known to travel between homes less than smaller ones.


The mixing of Bloodlines has become a complicated issue over the last century. Some believe that the purity of their blood is the sole reason they were granted the forest by the Earth goddess and look down upon any who cross their bloodlines. As a result, some bloodlines have resulted in breeding within families. Others believe that the crossing of bloodlines with other Elvin races will strengthen their people.

Common Dress code

Nehmo wear a mixture of woven cotton & tree bark clothing that's fashioned in simple shirts and pants. The women's clothing is similar in material but woven into simple dresses. Its uncommon for them to wear clothing of a higher quality.

Art & Architecture

Nehmo architecture is one of the more unique building styles in the world. Their buildings are a mixture of subterranean and elevated structures. Most homes are built several dozen feet off the ground and are anchored to a tree. At the base of the tree are several smaller structures built into the ground to act as storage for food and other goods. The homes are organized in small communities that are connected by bridges and pully systems to move people, goods and material around. The small communities are usually made up of several hundred people with thousands of small communities spread throughout the Forests of Indoshnia. The larger communities are home to thousands of people and are meant to be a trade hub between the smaller communities.

Common Taboos


The Nehmo believe that no being should won another. They often act against slavers regardless of the cost. Their actions have caused many issues with their close trading partners. 


The Nehmo believe that you should not partake in any form of mind or body altering substances.

Common Myths and Legends

Its believed that the Cejwo-Deru welcomed the Nehmo to the forest when they first arrived because the Earth Goddess had created the forest for them after the suffering they went through during the Bloodletting. 


Beauty Ideals

The Nehmo have no standards when it comes to beauty.

Courtship Ideals

At the top of the tallest trees in the forest grows a white flower known as the Snowcap. It has come tradition for a man to bring this flower to the women he wishes to marry. When he presents it to his intended bride, she decides if she wishes to marry him. If she agrees then the flowers stem is tied around her wrist as a symbol of their engagement. The couple then searches the forest to find where they will build their home. After a location is decided, both families will help build the couples home. Once the home is built, all around are invited to a celebration to mark the beginning of their union.

Nehmo Complexion:

Nehmo have Olive Brown skin with hair that ranges from light to dark brown. Their eye color is green and is believed to be the result of their close connection to the earth. Any Nahmo who does not have a normal complexion is treated with great distain by most. 

Naming Traditions

Feminine Naming:

Alya, Bulan, Rahma, Sari, Etc.

Masculine Naming:

Adi, Guntur, Irfan, Muhamad, Tirta, Yuda, Etc.

Family Names:

Diverged ethnicities
Related Organizations
Related Locations

Estimated Nehmo Population:

~1.5 Million

The Nehmo is believed to be the largest race throughout Pangeria. Their reclusive nature has kept their numbers hidden for centuries. Outside of the Forests of Indoshnia, there are small pockets of Nehmo still living in the western forests of Nog Hhreud.

Gods & Deities


Centuries ago, the Nehmo were once followers of Louksus, bringer of the Moon. However, when the Bloodletting began, their prayers went unanswered and countless Nehmo died at the hands of man. As the forest burned they fled their homeland in search for a land of endless peace. They went south only to be chased away by the dwarves. The pushed onwards and through the lands of the dwarves. Eventually they came across a vast mountain range, with the last of their strength they crossed the treacherous mountains. On the other side they found an endless beautiful forest. Untouched by anyone and by the grace of the Earth Mother they found their new home.


Also known as the living trees, the Cejwo are a race beings in the form of massive trees that walk the forests of Indoshnia. When the Nehmo began to make their home in the forest, the Cejwo would bring logs in the night. With their help they built a new home and have lived side by side in peace for centuries.

Cover image: by piotrdura


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