Corvega City Slavers Organization in The Great Dust Bowl | World Anvil

Corvega City Slavers

A mixed community of ghouls and humans that have mutated to withstand the elements of the region. Without usable farmland or regional trade caravans, they settled on capturing and selling others of their kind, wasteland critters, and even a couple super mutants from time to time. They are universally hated throughout the Dust Bowl for this business practice, however enough secret deals are made behind closed doors to make them quite wealthy in terms of caps. Those that do trade supplies with them typically make a tidy profit off the markups.

Their true seat of power lies in a pre-war showroom and manufacturing plant for Chryslus, which they named after the late company’s crowning achievement. With a few smart minds between them, modifications have been made to existing designs to not only to change the aesthetics but also for utilitarian purposes. Fuel comes in many forms, however the cheapest and easiest to produce is derived from fermented decaying matter which is most commonly corpses.

Corvega City not only serves as a hub for slavers, but is also for producers of addictive chems. Nearly half of those that end up in bondage started off as addicts, allowed to run up debts and build a false sense of security around their future owners before being abducted. Ironically, this often happens in front of others headed in the same direction but fails to deter them from dealing with the slavers in the future. A plague upon the wasteland, many cry out for a solution but none that are listening possess the manpower or resources to attack their stronghold head on.

Mission Statement

Although hunting and capturing slaves used to be a daily priority, the chem trade has allowed the slavers to sit back and let the desperate come to them. Now focus is on finding and securing base ingredients to continue this cycle. When scavenging doesn't turn up enough raw material, it is not uncommon for them to take hostages from nearby settlements in exchange for what they need.

Keeping the Chryslus factory in working order is key to their continued operations. Those with mechanical skills are highly coveted, and some could even argue that a slave with a maintenance job lives better than some of their owners. There is always a need for scrap and skilled hands to maintain the quota.

Gathering enough fuel for their motor pool is a constant struggle. Some fission engines are still running two hundred years later, but many vehicles have had alterations to allow more contemporary means of power. One of these sources gives many slavers what is considered their iconic smell. Decaying organic matter that is no longer edible is harvested and processed into a liquid that will combust with the proper components.

  • Numbers- <10000 (maybe <3000 slaves on average)

  • Technology Level- Can only replicate tech with fabricators limited to available schematics

  • Hierarchy- Kratocracy where the strongest can seize power through a trial by combat

Not Hostile

Although no love is shared for one another, the slavers will trade their wares for food and water. Experiments require many different subjects, and this saves the Enclave considerable resources.

Not Hostile

Little trust exists between these two factions, however they do trade regularly.


Skirmishes are not unheard of, however most of the time these two factions do a bit of flexing and the less confident searches for another opertunity. If the prize is valuable enough, they won't hesitate to fight but the running track record favors the Bastards.


Worried that the territory could be claimed by the brutal mutants if they were allowed to do any business with the Rad Farm, Corvega City Slavers and Vault 191 Cartel are shot on sight within city limits.


The original reason for the Thunderbirds being asked to join the Crawler, they send several missions a month to keep them in check and watch their movements.


After salvaging both Vault 200 and 191, there has been open hostilities any time these two factions come in contact.

Articles under Corvega City Slavers

Cover image: by Rukkits
Character flag image: by mattbag3d


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