Pin of the Purity Movement Item in The Galaxy | World Anvil

Pin of the Purity Movement

Attention, citizens! This a security announcement! Please comply with the instructions of the security officers. Any one found of possessing a pin with an image of the Vitruvian Man will be held for questioning.
— Security announcement at one of the space stations

As the Purity Movement is a criminal organization they needed a symbol which can be easily put on something small that can be easily hidden when necessary. This how the pin was born. On the pin one can see a crude representation of the so-called Vitruvian Man, a drawing by Leonardo da Vinci showing the ideal human body proportions. For the movement it shows that they stand for humanity and reject other species as they don't fit into that model.

Everyday use

The pin is mostly worn during official meetings of the movement's groups. For obvious reasons members of the movement don't wear it while they are in public. The only exception is during armed operations. They want everyone to know who is responsible as they consider those acts a crucial part of spreading their agenda.

Look at my pin, alien! Does your elongated head without a nose fit into this image? No! You're not welcome here!
— Member of the Purity Movement to a kidnapped Elam


The pin's design is very simple. It is a round metal or plastic disk with a needle with a clasp on the bottom side. On the top side, the whole area of the disk is covered with the image of the Vitruvian Man. The style of the image differs depending on the person's rank in the organization. Those higher in the hierarchy have an almost ideal reproduction of the da Vinci's drawing, while whose lower have a crude drawing. That drawing may be crude, but it captures the essence of the picture, just without the details.

Such a simple design, but it tells so much! A perfect human or, as I like to say, a perfect speciman of a perfect species!
— Member of the Purity Movement
Item type
Clothing / Accessory
Common in the Purity Movement


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Aug 1, 2022 13:27 by Cassandra Sojourn

I love the short quotes as it evokes the feeling of your world. The entire use of the pin is very creative, as well. It evokes feelings of how the nazi movement appropriated the swastika and turned a religious symbol into one of hate. Very well done!

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Aug 1, 2022 13:38

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