Dragonkin Species in The Farlands | World Anvil
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Dragons are largely considered the Apex within the multiverse, they alone were trusted by the creator god Onith to guard the Nexus', this responsibility and their affinity for magic made them revered by religions and cultures throughout history. This reverence turned to devotion and love for their kind and inevitably cross breeding occurred between mortals and dragons, creating the first dragonborn. These first dragonborn are legend to have been massive 10-foot-tall mountains of draconic blood, with large, scaled wings and breath attacks that put pride into the hearts of their draconic parents. But as time wore on these True Dragonborn proved their mortality and faded with the washing eons, today there are only one or two third generational True Dragonborn, they live in seclusion within the older places of the world, their wings small and stunted and their breath weapons only half the strength of their forbears. Today Dragonborn stand 6-7 feet at the head, they are wingless with breath weapons much smaller than their True Dragonborn ancestors and mere child's play compared to true Dragons. - Thornwood   It is said that the first of the Dragonkin were birthed from the dreams of dragons in the days when men nor elf had yet trodden upon the world

Basic Information


Dragonborn are a bipedal, tailed race of humanoids, they appear like dragons walking upon two hind legs balanced by a thick tail. Dragonborn have thick scaly hides of varying colors and hues, their hand and feet are strong talonlike claws with three fingers and a thumb upon each limb. Their skeletal structure is nearly identical to their dragon ancestors, standing between six and seven feet in height and weighing well over two hundred and fifty pounds.

Biological Traits

As with dragons there are two types of Dragonborn, the Metallic Dragonborn are derived from the Gold, Silver, Bronze, Brass, Copper, and Platinum dragons. These dragonborn tend to the good alignments and appear like smaller bipedal versions of the dragons who bore them. Chromatic Dragonborn are born from the Red, Green, Blue, Black, and White Dragons, and tend toward the evil alignments. Each of these types of dragonborn can interbreed with one another, but the result will only ever be a dragonborn born of one or the other color, and never a blend of both.

Genetics and Reproduction

Dragonborn breed the same as humans would, only dragonborn young hatch from eggs and are born in roughly 6-7 months after conception.

Growth Rate & Stages

Wyrmlings grow much faster than humans, they are walking after only a few hours and reach the size of a 10-year old human by age three and achieve adulthood by age 20.

Ecology and Habitats

Dragonborn tend toward warmer climates though this varies upon they type of dragonborn and of what dragon they are descended from.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Dragonborn are largely carnivorous, though some have been seen to stomach such things as pastries and even some greens if the situation called for it. depending on the region in which they hail a Dragonborn' s diet would consist of fish, small mammals, or even larger game.

Biological Cycle

They become slightly more sluggish and more absent minded when in colder climates, though this aspect is ignored by white dragonborn as their White Dragon blood makes them prefer the colder conditions of the world, and tends to heighten their senses and mental capacity.

Additional Information

Facial characteristics

Large whiskers and spines are the main facial feature of dragonborn, as males tend to have small beards of thick spiny whiskers, while females tend to have large fins and spines running down their scalps.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Dragonborn are found all across the world, but the only two dragonborn civilizations are found in the continents of Sorrowel and Dunatine. With the Jade Dragon Empire, and the Adamantine Dynasty.

Average Intelligence

Intelligence within Dragonborn is varieble between types and generally depends on the color of dragonborn, with Silver, Blue, Green, Red, and Gold dragonborn being of the highest intellect and the Black, White, Copper, and Brass dragonborn being among the most simple minded of dragonborn. The smartest of dragonborn are largely vastly smarter than even the cleverest of humans, putting them at odds with many human guilds and civilizations.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

The ability to see in the dark, as well as increased sight and hearing are just some of the many traits that Dragonborn are blessed with. They have Dark vision to up to 60 feet and have slightly higher hearing when compared to humans, they also have sharpened sight when in the favored environment of their dragon ancestor.

Civilization and Culture

Major Organizations

Adamantine Dynasty, Jade Dragon Empire
Genetic Descendants
90 years
Average Height
6-7 feet
Average Weight
Average Physique
Dragonborn have large frames with broad shoulders and proud chests, one would be hard pressed to find a fat dragonborn as their life style keeps them in very good shape, though their thick hides and scales make it nearly impossible to form visible abs or pectorals though those muscles are certainly there.
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Metallica and Chromatic dragonborn share the same coloration as their true dragon ancestors, though some dragonborn warlocks and interbred half dragonborn can have variations and more outlandish colors to them. The most prominent of these colors is purple or maroon.
Geographic Distribution


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