Cynthia Character in The Fantasy Nexus | World Anvil

Cynthia (SIN-thee-ah)


Cynthia is a golem, and is a companion and protector of Adam.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Cynthia is almost entirely hollow on the inside, like a porcelain doll. The only internal structure she has is her "core chamber", an enclosed space in her chest where her golem core is stored, containing all of her personality, memory, and emotions.

Special abilities

  • Amorphous Physiology: Cynthia is able to liquefy, shapeshift, and harden sections or all of her body at will. Several notable uses are:
    • Liquid Mimicry: Before any shapeshifting, Cynthia will need to temporarily make parts of her body liquid, before resolidifying them into the desired form. She may also use the following techniques if she keeps her body in a liquid state:
      • Drowning
      • Crushing
      • Suffocation
      • Trapping Body: Cynthia can trap others within parts of her body by liquefying them, then solidifying them around the victim.
    • Sharpening/Blade Physiology: Cythia can sharpen parts of her body, such as arms, hands, feet, legs, etc. at will. This includes, but is not limited to:
      • Antler/Horn Projection
      • Axe Creation
      • Barbed Tongue
      • Blade Creation
      • Claw/Pincer Claw Creation
      • Compactor/Crusher Creation
      • Dagger Creation
      • Drill Creation
      • Fang Creation
      • Incisive Appendages
      • Needle Projection
      • Razor Creation
      • Saw Creation
      • Scissor Creation
      • Scythe Creation
      • Sharp Tail
      • Sharp Tongue
      • Spike Projection
      • Stinger Tail
      • Sword Creation
      • Tusk Creation
    • Hardening: Cythia can harden her body at will. Some of the techniques that involve this ability are:
      • Clubbed Tail
      • Dermal Armor/Enhanced Defense
      • Hammer Projection
      • Jackhammer Arms
      • Mace/Club/Wrecking Ball Creation
      • Shield Creation
    • Tentacle Creation
    • Weaponized Tongue
    • Wheel Creation
As a golem, Cynthia also gains the following natural abilities:
  • Alcohol Immunity
  • Disease Immunity
  • Foreign Chemical/Gas Immunity
  • Hungerlessness
  • Oxygen Independence
  • Poisoning Immunity
As she has been blessed by the Goddess of Earth, Cythia also gains these boosts:
  • Enhanced Speed: Cynthia can easily move faster than most races, even an elf.
  • Enhanced Strength: Cynthia can overpower most races, including elves.
  • Enhanced Reflexes: Cythia's reflexes are superior to most races, including elves.
  It should be noted that, while Cynthia does not require food, air, or water to live, she does require Adam's magical golemsmithing energy from time to time to stay active, awake, and full of stamina. If, for some reason, Adam and Cynthia were to be separated, Cynthia would eventually lose all her energy and go dormant (though could still be reactivated by Adam at any time.)

Apparel & Accessories

Cythia wears a tight, black, sleeveless shirt with a turtleneck collar. She wears simple black shorts reaching to just above her knees, as well as simple black flats on her feet.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Cynthia is a golem, and was sculpted by Adam after his arrival to Eistros, as a companion and partner. She was brought to life by the Goddess of Earth, and has no memory before that. Upon her birth, she inquired as to her identity, location and how she had been born, all of which Adam patiently explained to her. As Adam explained, she became aware of her purpose as Adam's companion, and felt the need to protect him, but at first, she was unsure how to do so. As time went on, however, she became aware of the abilities given to her by the Goddess - the ability to shapeshift, liquefy and harden her body as she pleased.   Little of note has occurred since Cynthia's birth, and to this day, she and Adam reside in the same cottage together, with Cynthia having taken on a protective role of Adam in addition to her companionship, much to Adam's dismay, as well as happiness.



Morality & Philosophy

Cynthia is primarily neutral, and has no inherent moral code other than to protect Adam. Regardless of what Adam does, she will follow him, thus any morals she learns come from Adam.

Personality Characteristics


Cynthia's only motivation is to live with, and protect Adam from any potential threats.

Likes & Dislikes

Likes: Adam, combat, most other races
Dislikes: Other humans, people insulting or hurting Adam

Virtues & Personality perks

Cynthia is generally passive to most of the other races, and while "enjoying" their company might be strong, she does tolerate and respect them. She is also steadfast in her loyalty to Adam, and cannot be swayed from it by any means.

Vices & Personality flaws

Cynthia can often come off as emotionless or cold to others, due to the fact that she doesn't display her emotions well. She has no interest in social pleasantries, either.


Family Ties


Religious Views

Goddess of Earth

Social Aptitude

Cynthia's social ability is poor, and she often disregards authority, power, or social pleasantries, something Adam is actively trying to teach her.



Creation, partner (Vital)

Towards Adam




Creator, partner (Vital)

Towards Cynthia



Lawful Neutral
Circumstances of Birth
Brought to life by the Goddess of Earth
Adam's cottage
Current Residence
Adam's cottage
Sky blue, almond-shaped
Long, straight, platinum blonde
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Pale white, flawless and porcelain
5'6 (167.6 cm)
80 lbs (36.2 kg)
Goddess of Earth
Known Languages