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The Exotic Program Robots, Sentience, and Consciousness

2014 VE, I guessed

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In the late 2014 of Earth, there was a plotter who started writing a plot for his screenplay. However, he's getting no closer to the final result. Furthermore, he doesn't know about the setting it should be placed, not even sure if it should be real or fiction.

The only thing he knows and can be shared with everyone, is the primer...

Exotic Primer
Generic article | Sep 16, 2023
...and a rough premise.

In the modern metropolis of Sungear, three inventions been made: the meta-constructing nanobots, the human surrogate, and the 100% homebrew artificial intelligence.

Created in different places and times, no one would ever think that combining all of these make whatever that would've been an imaginary machine that could either be the great advancement or the total annihilation. It is up to whoever owns it, and what purpose do they want to do. The fate of the city can deter over their existence.

And now, the first sight has appeared as Candella Tower, part of the birthplace of two of them, toppled and collapsed in one faithful afternoon...