Thyr Keep Building / Landmark in The Empty Throne | World Anvil

Thyr Keep

At A Glance

Originally the seat of the THYR family, this keep has been a solid mass along the Bay of Swords that glows with nightime torchlight for all to see from the dark waters. That was its purpose and it is still used to that effect to this day. There is also a shelf of rock that juts out from the cliffs nearby that require fair warning to any vessel hugging the coastline too closely.

The NORAMYR family initially received the keep with the King's instruction that Throne soldiers would assist in manning it to aid commerce along the east coast. With the disappearance of the Queen, the family considered abandoning it until the Struggles with SWANS broke out and were suddenly pleased to have another strongpoint along their borders.



The keep is showing its age and the past decade or so of tightening the purse-strings on maintenance have not improved its crumbling walls. Even so, THYR KEEP is an intimidating shadow mass looming over the waters of the Bay of Swords. The usual coastal raider would struggle against its crumbling walls as much as curtain walls given their dearth of equipment.

Inside the keep there is a persistent smell of mold and mildew that two centuries or more of moisture will do to a structure. In the lower chambers, this moisture can accumulate and sprout fungi on the old, chipped stones. But in the upper chambers, with shutters open, the keep can push out such a miasma with the clean scent of the bay.


Parent Location
Owning Organization

Cover image: by Daniel Cortijos


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