Eladrin Species in The Emergent Plane | World Anvil


Classification: Uncommon Race   The mortal races were created at the beginning of The First Dragon War, when the gods entered the Emergent Plane and created their own beings in their image. First of the gods to do so was The Lord of Games, and his influence is the most clear in the Eladrin, the first mortal race to be born into the world.   The Eladrin are the original Elves, with all other Elven races being the result of other gods altering some of the original Eladrin into the High Elves, Wood Elves, and, presumably, the Dark Elves. As such, they bear the traits of The Lord of Games and his plane of the Faewylde most prominently, with a haunting, otherworldly beauty and ever-changing form. Their entire physical form can shift regularly, corresponding to different seasons as an Eladrin sees fit. One day an Eladrin might have blue skin and blustery hair as white as a Winter frost, and the next day they may have fiery red hair and orange skin befitting a Summer afternoon.   This change in physiology accompanies a change in demeanor and personality. An Eladrin taking the form of Spring might be jovial and exuberant, while an Eladrin feeling the intense heat of Summer might be overcome with passion and fury. An Autumn Eladrin is content, calm, and contemplative, whereas they may become solemn and melancholy when they feel the cold chill of Winter. Their form and mood is as ever-changing as the lands of the Faewylde from which they were derived, and it is in this chaotic nature that the God of Change can be seen in their every moment.   It should come as no surprise that the Eladrin are gifted in the Arcane, being the creation of The Lord of Games and sharing the most Fae traits of any Elven race. Twisting the magical framework that underpins the world is second-nature to them, and they often take joy in spellcasting for spellcasting's sake. Furthermore, Eladrin share an unusual trait not seen in any other Elves in their ability to "Fae Step": Eladrin can, seemingly from the moment they are born, flit between the Emergent Plane and the Faewylde. In doing so, an Eladrin can travel short distances in an instant, warping into the Faewylde to traverse some distance exempt from the passage of time before returning to a new location within the world.   Eladrin are not as common as High Elves or Wood Elves, and most other mortal races find them strange and unpredictable. Despite this, Eladrin can be found throughout the world in small numbers, and seem to take an interest in other mortal races uncharacteristic of most Elves, even if only to amuse themselves. They generally tend to avoid the rigid and stoic High Elves however, as they find them rather boring and consistent by comparison to themselves.