Dragons Species in The Disputed Lands | World Anvil
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Written by invadersforever

Once Upon A Time

  Once upon a time, Dragons were powerful demi-deities who ruled the world with their dragon blessed followers. They were a large and thriving species with great genetic diversity. They had an Empire, united under the banner of the young Emperor Naerdras. A golden age was inbound, and the dragons had ample hunting grounds. They were satisfied. Then, everything changed.   When magic was removed from the realm, the dragons were decimated. Many died, or were reverted to lesser creatures. Those who survived were greatly weakened. The empire crumbled overnight.  

From The Ashes

  The remaining Dragons were confined to the Dragonlands, where they continue to ech out a meager existence. There isn't enough land in the dragon lands to support the 13 remaining dragons. As such, their Dragon blessed followers do most of the hunting and often fight amongst themselves to get food for their dragons. The dragons now spend most of their time sleeping, only coming out to hunt on rare occasions.  

The Miracle of Keolora and Erith

  Only two new dragons have hatched since the loss of magic; Keolora and Erith, the twin children of Pidyr. They were eggs when the disaster happened, and Pidyr used most of his power to protect them from it. He passed shortly after the twins hatched, having used the last of his strength to keep his children alive.   His cult then split into two, the Cult of Keolora and the Cult of Erith, each dedicated to raising and eventually worshipping Pidyr's children.  

Current Dragons


  1. Naerdras is the most powerful dragon still alive, and the only one to retain her demi-deity status. She rules a comparatively small area, but it is the most densely populated and research rich area of the dragon lands. The city Gix Aria is located within her territory.
  2. Imrus in the south sea. He is the only dragon who directly opposes Naerdras, as Gix Aria is in his old territory. He is much smaller and less powerful than she is though, so his main advantage is that he's already entrenched and lives in the sea and is thus harder to find.
  3. Erith, in the desert. Prior to his death, Pidyr was the second most powerful dragon in the dragon lands. As the most active and likely most healthy of Pidyr's offspring, Erith now holds the title of third most powerful.
  4. Keolora It's very hard to place Keolora in this ranking. She is also Pidyr's child, and is therefore probaboly very powerful. However, Keolora hasn't been spotted in many decades and rumours that she is either ill or dead are rampant.
  5. Viomre of the plains. Viomre is the most powerful of the plains dragons. Like Imrus, she was already living in the dragon lands when the disaster occurred. She once had the plains all to herself, and would like to do so again.
  6. Bythys isn't a name you will hear often, in fact many would be surprised to see their name this high on the list. Despite being a relatively powerful dragon, Bythys has the fortune of not needing to show it off. They have no direct competition in their region, and no one is going to fight over a swamp when Gix Aria is so much more promising.
  7. Judra is the oldest remaining dragon. Her rival, Durvan, would very much like to take advantage of that fact, but hasn't succeeded yet. Judra rules the seas and most of the seawards tundra. Like Durvan, she isn't directly involved in many of the power struggles centred in the south.
  8. Durvan is the other northern dragon. Her fights with Judra have been frequent and fierce, as the young dragon wishes to claim the tundra for herself. So far, Judra has held the line. Should she die with no offspring, however, Durvan will likely claim Judra's lands.
  9. Ceotyan is another young dragon, only a few years older than Keolora and Erith. He makes his home in the plains, where his main competition comes from Viomre. He has struck an alliance with Diammu, as the two less powerful dragons attempt to hold their territory.
  10. Diammu is the third plains dragon. He and Ceotyan are aligned against Viomre. It has been suggested, but not confirmed, that they could be more than allies.
  11. Oniaxith Nox is the most powerful of the mountain dragons, which really isn't an impressive feat. The dragons in the mountains are typically dragons who were pushed out of more ideal territories. Adding further shame to Oniaxith Nox, her territory is where the rebel group Duuloa Gix is most active, and where their main base is. Oniaxith Nox is also the only dragon who has successfully mated and laid eggs since the disaster. if those eggs hatch, it could either allow the dragons to expand outside of the dragonlands, or could further overcrowd the region.
  12. Immor is the dragon of the south mountains. He is in the most direct conflict with Durvan, though conflict might be a strong word. He is the weakest creator dragon.
  13. Oniaxith Ina is the mate of Oniaxith Nox. They have been mating since shortly after the disaster, and have apparently successfully produced a clutch of eggs. Their cults have joined as the Cult of Oniaxith, though Oniaxith Nox gets preference as the creator dragon.

Historical Dragons Within The Dragon Lands


  1. Pidyr and His Mate ruled a large chunk of the dragonlands and common lands. His mate was killed in the disaster and Pidyr died using his last magic to save their eggs. Their fiefdom was home to nine other dragons, three of which were their offspring.
  2. Imrus was a young dragon duke at the time of the disaster, serving Naerdras loyally. Their conflict and rivalry seems to have stemmed purely from the desperation of survival in a post-magic world. He had ten other dragons within his fiefdom.
  3. Judra  was already one of the oldest dragons at the time. Her thriving fiefdom supported eleven additional dragons, including three mated pairs.
  4. Viomre had the second best lands after Imrus. She ruled over ten other dragons in her time as duchess.


Author's Notes

um, might fill out all the species stuff once summer camp is over. i've already used up a lot of time and i still have a map on the way. Anyways basically dragons used to be a very diverse species, so the remaining thirteen are mostly very genetically different. Hence why all the dragon blessed look very different. Pidyr is kind of the "good" dragon, he never had to deal with the hard times, sacrificed himself for his offspring, and gave his dragon blessed wings.   Additionally, the reason so many dragons could exist back in ye olde days is because as quasi-deities, they didn't need to eat as often if at all, and there were plenty of other magical creatures closer to their scale at the time.   Some related articles to keep your dragon fix until i get back to this:   Duuloa Gix Duuloa Nargeid Gix Aria Naerdras Krigi Krigi Dyes Scale Rot Draconic Cults

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