Chapter 1, Scene 5: In Preparation for the Meeting with Alemset Report in The Crucible of Creation | World Anvil
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Chapter 1, Scene 5: In Preparation for the Meeting with Alemset

General Summary

After the party arrived and delivered the scion of Adventurer's Anonymous to the Athkatla guild hall, they were able to secure a meeting with a local merchant of some reknown going by the name of Babanier. Egregarious and lavish, Babanier met Elrich's rag-tag party of adventurer's seeking aid and assistance for their hometown of Berdusk with undisguised disdain. Given the apparent wealth of the city and Babanier's connections as the Guild Leader of Athkatla's Merchant's Guild, the pathetic offerings Berdusk offered did little to sway him towards assisting the young Noble.   All seemed lost, until the young lord presented a barrel of a custom brew of the Kenku Monk BoneCrunch's Root Beer. Enhanced and chilled to the perfect temperature with the help of Arcadia's sorcery paired together with the Keen Mind and exacting preciseness of Cassius' perfect memory and Arcane knowledge, the group was able to replicate the cool taste of perfection amidst the desert town and present a refreshingly novel taste and experience to this man who had seemingly seen it all.   The party sold this first batch of Root Beer to the Babanier, netting a healthy profit and certainly enough to secure payment and protection for the town of Berdusk. However, their time in Athkatla was abruptly extended when Babanier summoned the party once more, his demeanor in quite a panic. Babanier had presented an offering to Alemset, a Golden Dragon and the shadow ruler of the great and powerful nation of Amn. And Alemset had become acutely interested in the party. Babanier than invited the party to stay in his luxury accomodations and to undergo weeks of court mannerism training in order to prepare the party for their introduction to Alemset.   As the training progresses and the day for their audience with Alemset approaches, the excitement and anticipation courses through the party. Cassius and Arcadia, in particular, find the experience a bit overwhelming and end up staying up late, idly passing the wee hours of the night in each others' company, catching up on years lost from their seperation since the Magic Academy of Elturel...   Scene 5: In Preparation for the Meeting with Alemset in The Lost Records of Lady Arcadia the Crimson, and Sir Cassius Az'Reald
Report Date
26 Oct 2019
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