Azure Starr Character in The Crucible of Creation | World Anvil
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Azure Starr

Azure Starr

Biological mother to Cassius Az'Reald Darkthorn. A peerless artificer, Azure shared the secrets of her family's lineage with Shane and it became the cornerstone for his research and development of the language which spoke directly to the weave. Sometime after giving birth to her sons, Azure became unwillingly transported to the Material Plane known as Mechanis. There, she survived and continued to grow as she searched for a way to return to Faeruun and her beloved Shane.  

The Curse of the Starr Line

Azure suffers from an affliction of madness that runs in her family, most commonly displayed as a feverish, and nearly insane obsession with her beloved (Shane Darkthorn). When in the presence of others, particularly those who are not family, who get close to Shane, she begins to delude herself with thoughts of jealousy and begins to formulate plans and methods to ensure that they will no longer be problems to her expression of love.  

The High Imaskan Legacy

The knowledge and skill Azure possesses is not from the current age, but is in fact from the ancient, godless kingdom of the High Imakari. In their time, they were unrivaled artificers and wielders of magic who only met their downfall due to the resistance and active intervention of deities. The result was the slaughter of her family and the banishment from her homeland. Their greatest technique, lost to the ages, was a way to embed runes, sigils, and wards directly into the very material crafting an item.   ADD MORE INFORMATION HERE  

Family Tree


Shane Darkthorn


Towards Azure Starr

Azure Starr


Towards Shane Darkthorn

Shane Darkthorn (spouse)
by 月野

Character Portrait image: 시드스쿨 학생 포트폴리오 by Kim Jae-Hee


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