Recovorist Profession in The Cradle of Worlds | World Anvil


After the turmoil of The Plague of Silmora, the failing of the Mystic Engines, and subsequent re-discovery of even more ancient civilizations and their artifacts many devoted themselves to discovery. Those who seek to uncover and recover artifacts of the long or even more recent past are called recovorists.   One well-known recovorist is Sven Sontarin who is known for his discovery of the preponderance of flat water Caches that exist not only in the The Raikirian Desert but also in the jungles to the south and even a few underground.     Other well known recovorists are:
  • Bladius Katwitte - Privateer along the Bone Isles, discoverer of the Serpent Helm
  • Edwicke Zipplies - She found the sky wings on the Edichi isles
  • Shah Brar - Specializes in raw materials, gems, metals and ceramics
  • Tenzi Begol - Works primarially as a cartographer with other recovorists


Payment & Reimbursement

Most payment is done by lords or industries looking for specific tehcnologies, magic or resources. This reimbursement varies wildly so recovorists can be weathly or impovershed depending on the types of materials and devices they aquire and who they work with.

Other Benefits

There is a high amount of mystique to the profession, both ill repute for the more unscrupulous and fame for others.



Due to the outsider nature and long travel in the wilds, there are more Touched than many other professions. It offers a way for many to have some begrudging acceptance with society while remaining somewhat apart from it.


This particular form of Archeologist, Treasure Hunter, and Scavenger is relatively new in realms. However, it has captured the imagination of adventure and riches with cheap novels and short stories with a hopeful rag to riches style of story-telling.
Alternative Names
archeologic scavenger, Looter, treasure hunter

Cover image: by Markus Dehning (vertixico)


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