Hilltop Settlement in The City | World Anvil
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The neighborhood of Hilltop is the gateway between the isolated cliffs of Winegarden and the northern shore of the rivers – specifically, Downtown. Named for the sharp rise up to the heights of the bluffs, where the Chinvat Bridge spans the river between Hilltop and Winegarden. It was originally mostly populated by the families of servants working for (and in most cases on) the family estates in Winegarden, and was derisively referred to as 'Rat's Nest'. There was a rather poorly constructed bridge in those days, and servants often had to choose between braving 'the Tumbler's Bridge' for a few extra days with their families, or taking the long way around to the West or the South.   The great Tragedy of the early 20th century saw the collapse of the old bridge, and the decimation of most of the north side of the river. The rebirth of the Downtown district later on dramatically changed the power landscape, and the cheap land on Hilltop became desirable to the newer generations of money who still couldn't buy their way into Winegarden proper. They began to establish their own communities in Hilltop, removing nearly all of the old buildings. The new Chinvat Bridge was established, funded by both sides of the river as Winegarden families desired easier access to the growing splendors of Downtown. The Hilltoppers saw it as a victory, validation of their chosen land.   In modern times, Hilltop is still the place for the not-entirely-TOO-rich. There's status in being in the City, rather than being Just Out of Town, and the communities view themselves as the common man's Winegarden. But don't mistake that as meaning getting a place in Hilltop is easy. In some cases, they can be just as closed-off and judgemental as those established families they hold in contempt.
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