Legend of the Draith Amulet Myth in The Chronicles of Traith | World Anvil

Legend of the Draith Amulet

"Legends say long ago an amulet of immense power was crafted by the corrupt fallen priest turned mage Thixrosil. Its said that he had grown jealous of the gods and wasted his life and intelligence away trying to forge new magics to steal divinity away from the gods. Century after century driven by his obsession he continued eventually resorting to undeath in an effort to finish what his unstable mind told him to. Eventually the gods grew tired and sent their most powerful servants to deal with Thixrosil. These servants had searched endlessly till the found and dealt with Thixrosil and destroyed the Draith Amulet shortly after the items creation."


A once promising and highly intelligent priest grew jealous of the gods and resorted to learning arcane magic in and effort to wrest their divine power away from them. Thixrosil to craft an item powerful enough to serve his needs. The item itself was destroyed before it could be use

Historical Basis

This is a very convoluted variation of the legend of the Draith Amulet one that was constructed at the highest level of the church. The Hierophants of the church were just as frightened as they were jealous of the power achieved a former member of their clergy. What scared them the most tough was an artifact powerful enough to actually wrest a god divine power away from them. From a priests point of view this was even worse as they would no long hold any power as well.

Variations & Mutation

There are many variations on the creation of the Draith Amulet. Some say the amulet was crafted for noble reasons as a way to let the gods know they needed to do better while others say the amulet was never finished at all. Some have no mention of Thixrosil and only mention Zarpurazz as crafter and wielder.

In Art

Many artist of varying techniques have crafted art depicting the Beauty of the Draith Amulet
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