The Draith Amulet Item in The Chronicles of Traith | World Anvil

The Draith Amulet

This Artifact was crafted by the powerful Demi-lich thruge Thixrosil as a prison to trap deities he once servered. Thixrosil felt the gods and goddesses had abandoned their worshippers and deemed them unworthy of the power he wished to possess. After centuries of preparation he was able to complete his research and the cast spells necessary to enchant the amulet. The enchanting of the Draith Amulet was very taxing on Thixrosil even in his undead form he was drained and needed time recoup some of his power expended during the items creation. It was in this weakened state that several powerful priests of the now fearful gods along with the assistance of high ranking members of the Society of Practitioners defeated Thixrosil. They imprisoned Thixrosil along with his four apprentices in the Tombs of Eternal Evil and The Draith Amulet was taken and hidden away by the High Practitioner. The amulet was deemed it to powerful and dangerous if it were to fall into the wrong hands.   Two hundred years later the fears of the those who had imprisoned Thixrosil became reality. The first person to actually use the artifact was the assassin turned mage Zarpurazz. Zarpurazz used the magics and amulet Thixrosil created to trap several of Traith's gods and goddesses including the draconic deities Bahamut and Tiamat.   Millennia later the standing High Practitioner Crildoon found and used the Draith Amulet in conjunction with an artifact of his own creation the Staff of Draconic Influence. His goal was to trap all of dragonkind in a stasis chamber and he succeeded for the most part. He used the amulet as the key for seal the chamber and without it the dragons of Traith remained locked away for centuries to follow.   Another thousand years passed before the amulet reappeared this time it was used for the better of Traith. It came be in possession of an adventuring party who had no idea of the amulets true power. They carried the amulet for some time before a chance meeting with several avatars of the Eight Brother in the Toroum port city of Brisckarin The adventuring party gave the amulet to the avatars in exchange for removal of a curse and Abyssal grafts that had been implanted the demon prince Demogogon father of two of the party members.

Mechanics & Inner Workings

The Draith Amulet was created long ago for the purpose of trapping God's within it. The power of the deities trapped within would become available to be drawn upon by the individual who trapped the God within the amulet.


The amulet may in fact be the most significant item ever created on Traith. Its power and functions have put fear into both Gods and mortals. While there are many artifacts on Traith none compare in power or versatility to the Draith Amulet. The amulet has been used several times in different ways with varying degrees of success.
While the Draith Amulet is powerful in its own right it does not have the ability to trap a divine entity on its own. The user much be able to cast the powerful spell necessary to trap the divine being in the amulet.
Item type
Unique Artifact
Current Location
The Draith Amulet is a unique artifact. Many have tried to replicate the amulets power all of which have proved unsuccessful.
1.25 ounces.
Base Price
Raw materials & Components
The Draith Amulet was crafted with nye comparable craftsmanship. The material that the amulet is comprised of are Gold, Platinum, Mithral, 5 flawless Diamonds and 1 purple crystal (from the Crystal Downs).

Cover image: by Cassie Sims and Peter M Thomsen


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