Fel Spawn Species in The Chronicles | World Anvil

Fel Spawn

Fall back, fall back! We can't fight them, send in the Scorchers before we turn into those abominations! - Creed Officer
  The Fel Spawn is the unholy creation of Black Fel Corruption introduced into a host as it alters them to become some monstrous and unrecognizable by those who look at them. First seen in the Shadow Wars, these monstrosities were the fear of anyone soldier who faced them. As most standard weapons didn’t even slow them down, except fire and the cold. Entire areas had to be purged to stop them from spread though bombing with incendiary ammunition and Scorcher squads. They are nothing for life and consumed it all with nothing but death. They do not even need to eat or sleep, only spread and multiply as much as they can. Nothing was left to chance as all were destroyed as soon as the war ended to ensure they could not consume the world if they had the chance.

Basic Information


Fel Spawn tend to take the shape of the body they take over, but most tend to have a pair of legs and arms, along with tendril coming out of them. Muscle and a skeleton are non existent as they are nothing more than a mass of sludge and what else it’s made of.

Biological Traits

Their bodies are capable of taking more damage as they a mix of both solid and liquid and are able to contort their bodies to get into tight spaces. They are much stronger as well and when they fuse together they become even more dangerous. The material it is made of is also considered highly poisonous as it kills all life and contaminates air and water with its spores. But they are flammable and can easily burn. Just made sure you wear a mask to protect yourself smell is terrible and it may produce spores in the attempt spread. The cold is not something they favor either as they tend to slow down and freeze up in it.

Genetics and Reproduction

They only can reproduce by infecting other with the Black Fel Corruption that flows through their veins.

Growth Rate & Stages

Fel Spawn tend to grow quick when they finally develop in their host and after a few hours they reach their maximum growth.

Ecology and Habitats

It does nothing but kill all life around leaving it nothing more than a desolate wasteland.

Biological Cycle

Fel Spawn tend to find places of warmth when it get cold and go into a hibernate state. It also happens when they can find anything to spread their contagion.

Additional Information

Social Structure

Fel Spawn seem to have some sort of hive mind and attack cooperatively together, even fuse together to become larger and stronger when the need arrives. Bu their seems to be no other social aspects to them and only wish to consume.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Fel Spawn are capable of surviving in most environments, except places that are extremely hot or extremely cold.

Average Intelligence

Intelligence is at a primal level with that of an animal and will kill anything on sight

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Fel Spawn only have sight and sound and will respond to anything they hear or see. Their hive mind also allows other Fel Spawn to know what is going on.
Average Height
6 - 8 ft
Average Weight
300 - 500 lbs
Average Physique
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking


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