Cyber Golem Military Formation in The Chronicles | World Anvil

Cyber Golem

The golems of this day and age are at their greatest moment as never before such advancements in technology to make them some of them some greatest fighting machines that ever existed in the world. - Professor Henberg Losner, Chief Engineer of the Republic Of Creed
  Never has the use of Golems have ever been so pivotal in the use of warfare as their size and firepower have been a great asset in changing the course of a battle and though they are unmanned by pilots, their artificial intelligence know as Adaptive intelligence Module or A.I.M for short has allowed them to think for themselves and better adapt to their situation. These massive machines are capable of changing the course of a battle with just a single one of them in the field. But of course they are only a few in numbers as managing them can cost quite the large amount of credits and the A.I.M will sometimes think for itself and begin to become more self aware and begin to disobey orders with the slight chance that it will run off or destroy anyone in its way.



The Golem only needs one of its models to make up the formation due to its size and will work on its own from then on. But will have an engineering Corp to maintain and repair it and programmers to ensure that the


Cyber Golem are often equipped with protect from weaponry such as energy sheilds for energy rounds and flares for missiles. Along with a emergency repair kit to ensure it is not does not go offline from damage.


A Cyber Golem has a verity of weapons it can use, such as large firearms for its size and melee weapons should the need arrive. Along with a large bomb used to destroy fortification. This comes along with a self destruction system used a last resort to ensure it is not captured by the enemy that will fry its circuitry and destroy its parts.


Cyber golems are often transported into an A.T.A.C from place to place, these large aircraft are capable of carrying and its equipment.


A Cyber Golem is under the direct control of a command groups that aid it in combat laying information to it to follow and


A Cyber Golem of uses its size and strength to have the advantage in battle. Often using its weapons to destroy larger targets such as vehicles and fortifications. Along with special training for close quarters combat against other golems and other forms of assault mechs. It often uses the terrain to its advantage as it able to reach places other vehicles can't. Due to its size though it was not as fast as one could expect it to be, so it make up for that being able to seeing across the battlefield with ease.


The A.I.M that was created has to go through virtual training for combat knowledge and mental evaluation to ensure that it has not strayed to far from its original programming.



3 million credits


A New Design

  By the time the Age of Sparks came into being, the use of Golems had become obsolete are more capable forms of weaponry hand be created for combat use. Causing many old models to be scraped and replaced as time went on. But that would change with new more advanced models were created by the Paronil Combine. Theses "Cyber Golems" were tougher and more destructive than their predecessors ever were as their hardware based off of modern technology made it more adaptive and combat efficient. The new form of artificial intelligence know as A.I.M built around these golems were far more advanced at thinking and accessing a situation without giving it too much free thought. Their bodies would become larger than older models, making them stronger but bulky to deal with during maintenance and transportation. But the success that they brought outweigh the difficulties it brought.  

Combat Changer

  A first many believe the golems were no longer appropriate to used in modern warfare as their large size would make them an easy target. But it soon showed that it could be quite useful on the battlefield. Such being able to maneuver better and its ability to adapt to it environment better then most combat vehicle. It’s weapon arsenal was also something to be feared as it would cause quite the damage. Allowing them to cause massive destruction to enemies forces when sent into combat. It body also allowed it to traverse the battlefield with ease as well with without dealing with an hazards most ground vehicles would face. Even without weapons the golem could easily destroy vehicles and fortified positions with it immense strength. It’s lack of an organic pilot allowed to go through more strain that would killed them and keep on going. Making difficult to bring down before it wiped everything out in its path.  

Troublesome AI

  The A.I.M inside the golem was considered quite the success when in use, but the software that created it caused it to at times to think on its own without being ordered to. With some cases leading to them to reach full sentience, like the Machines of the Machine Collective did. These situations often lead to some major incidences as something like a giant golem is hard not to notice. Some of the most infamous cases involving part of a city being destroyed by a rampaging golem and another with a golem defecting to the Machine Collective once it escaped storage. Making the A.I.M programs to be watch carefully by those who are controlling the golem to ensure that it doesn’t happen. Cases such as these have happened at a smaller rate since then and the A.I.M programs have been altered to avoid another incident.

Historical loyalties

A Cyber Golems only loyalty goes to the ones controlling it. But those who gain sentience will decide who they should really follow.
15A 3257
Overall training Level
Assumed Veterancy

Cover image: Atomsk by crushvisual


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