Ritualist Character in The Centurion's Riddle | World Anvil


The most controversial by far, the Ritualist is the only Saint that directly interacts with creatures of the Dark Tapestry. Depicted as a naked woman with dark skin, the Ritualist claims to have once been a human, but was changed after a being made a sacrifice to Azathoth, the Daemon Sultan.   Instead of having her soul consumed, the Ritualist is said to have escaped the Dark Tapestry, and killed the cultists that originally held her captive. In a role reversal of cosmic proportions, she began to study the Outer Gods and their servants, and strives to learn their true names. She has been successful in this regard on numerous accounts, and finally grew to the power of Saint after consuming the filtered power of Targular, a Great Old One that attempted to break its way into the Material Plane.   She is the patron of summoners and rituals, but abhors any who enable the denizens of the Dark Tapestry. Only the Wolf Queen and the Arcanist would consider her an ally, and she is considered an enemy of the Gatekeeper, who cautions against the opening of planar rifts.  

Blessing of the Ritualist

Range: Single Source, No Target
Action: Full-Round
Duration: 1 Minute (See Text)   When invoking the Blessing of the Ritualist, arcane circles cover the caster's skin, and an ethereal doorway opens at their side. The caster has no control over what will emerge from the doorway, only that the being was chosen by the Ritualist, and will follow the caster's commands to the best of its abilities for one minute.   After the contract is complete, this creature does not immediately return to its home plane, as the doorway it entered is now closed. It is free to roam the Material Plane as it wishes, until banished or killed.
Character Art by Julie Dillon
Divine Classification
Aligned Organization

Character Portrait image: by Julie Dillon


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