Wolf Queen Character in The Centurion's Riddle | World Anvil

Wolf Queen

Depicted as a middle-aged ghost with burning eyes, the Wolf Queen is the matron Saint of canines, four-legged beasts, and the Wild Hunt. Although she is not a Fey, she has origins in the First World, and many believe she is in someway related to the Horned King.   She is best known for her hatred of the Outer Gods, who she considers the greatest prey. Her children are often seen roaming the barriers that line the planes, their mouths salivating for a taste of the Rot - a foul substance upon which they are able to feed, present in the blood of all creatures of the Dark Tapestry.   While there is no evidence, a popular rumor claims that the Wolf Queen and the Challenger were once lovers. Otherwise, she holds few allies among the Saints, working most often with the Ritualist to find and invade new hunting grounds throughout the cosmos.  

Blessing of the Wolf Queen

Range: Single Source, Single Target
Action: Free
Duration: Special (See Text)   When invoking the Blessing of the Wolf Queen, a planar rift opens up behind the caster, and a pack of massive wolves appear at their side. They may mount one of these creatures as a standard action, and select a single target as the prey of this mighty hunt. The caster need not be aware of the target's location - the wolves have a supernatural sense of smell, and will guide the leader of the hunt to their prey. Allies of the caster may mount the other wolves, although they will not obey their riders.   When the hunting party arrives at the location of their intended target, the wolves and their riders will chase their prey until 24 hours has passed, or until the target is slain.   Once the hunt is over, the wolves will consume the spoils, and leave any items or equipment behind. However, these items are often haunted by a terrified spirit, which lingers upon the materials until banished, or their howling soul is put to rest.
Character Art by Julie Dillon
Divine Classification
Aligned Organization

Character Portrait image: by Julie Dillon


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