Mu Draconis Character in The Centurion's Riddle | World Anvil

Mu Draconis

Mu Draconis (a.k.a. Agent 85)

Mu Draconis is a Biohacker and medic for Omega Delta Squad, and a frequent ally of the Dream Team (in particular Lockette Endrinmaster XII-2). She is best known for her involvement in the Scoured Stars Incident and the recovery of the SS Iron Drake from the Swarm.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Mu was illegally manufactured in 285 AG, in the first run of Androids created by the Red Yakuta on Absalom Station. While mostly intended to flesh out the organization's ground troops, the Draconis models were specifically designed to act as runners, delivering messages and contraband all over the station. Mu was chosen to primarily run drugs, which were being synthesized in the Ghost Levels and found most of their clients between there and poor neighborhoods like Downlow.   After a major drug bust by Absalom Station PD in 291 AG, in which dozens of Yakuta chemists were arrested and sent off-world, Mu was selected to act as a lab assistant for the remaining workers, and was eventually promoted to be a chemist herself. However, by this time the sheltered Mu had come to understand the true nature of what her organization was doing, and the harm her work caused in the local populace. She began to challenge her overseers, understanding that she was not like the others — a prisoner without chains — and that the life she lived in the Ghost Levels was far from ordinary.   She escaped in 295 AG, using all she'd learned about medicine over the last decade to operate on her own biological systems, destroying the inhibitors that kept her from straying too far from her captors. Mu quickly left town, living in Triaxus from 295-308 AG, where she gained a reputation as a morally upright bounty hunter and mercenary. Unknown to most, Mu used the funds from her side jobs to fund her college career, earning a dual-Ph.D. in anesthesiology and pharmacology from the state university in Preita.   She was recruited by Atticus McCallow into Stewards Ops after graduation, where she received extensive combat training — taking the skills she'd learned on the road and solidifying them around the mindset of a soldier. In 312 AG she became a member of Omega Delta Squad, serving under Captain Natasha Lang for the last six years. Although poorly documented, Mu was involved in Operation Ultraviolet in Typhoon, and survived the betrayal of Dominic Altraeza and Clara Young.   Since then, Mu has been seen in several global-scale conflicts involving the Dream Team, primarily those involving Lockette Endrinmaster. After the Phoenix Eclipse conflict Cromwell asked Mu for her help in recovering Isra from the Boneyard, to which she agreed.

Personality Characteristics


Mu serves the citizens of the Pact Worlds as a guardian, especially to Androids that are still enslaved or mistreated in the dark corners of the galaxy. While not a member, she often comes in contact with the Android Abolitionist Front, and was so excited about the discovery of the Forge that she moved to Montressor in 318 AG. Like many in the Stewards, her worship of Abadar guides her thoughts on law and morality, although she is sometimes forced to blur the lines due to her work in Ops.   Mu does not worship Isra like the Children of the Forge, but does see her importance as a public figure and hero among the Androids, especially in dark times such as these...
Date of Birth
1st of Abadius, 285 AG
Year of Birth
285 AG 33 Years old
Current Residence
Cropped, Black/Pink
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
168 lbs.
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations

Character Portrait image: Cyberpunk Hacker by Josh Norman


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