The Spirit's Wish Myth in The Call of The Tree | World Anvil

The Spirit's Wish

"There once was a spirit living in a small dark place.
There was nothing to see for it and nowhere to go.
The spirit felt lonely.
It tried to break the walls of its prison and called out for someone to save it,
but there was no one to hear it.
  So it came with an idea.
It started to grow and grow until there was no space inside the darkness.
And it grew still until the walls cracked and crumbled.
The spirit was free.
  The first thing the spirit saw was light above it.
It wanted to reach it, but it discovered it couldn't move.
So instead it started to grow again.
But halfway through, it grew tired.
Too tired to grow anymore.
And the spirit couldn't reach the light.
  Days passed, then months and years and the spirit still didn't have the strength to grow anymore.
It felt lonely.
It wanted to have someone to be with.
So it wished.
And when it wished, it felt that parts of it separated.
  The parts flew into every direction and wherever they landed, there grew life.
First, there was a big life, beings who knew they were a part of the spirit.
They came back to their parent and lived with it.
  Then landed middle parts, parts made out of spirits' sadness and loneliness.
They only knew hunger, and they started devouring themselves and everything around.
  Last came the little parts of spirit. Parts who were curious and wanted to reach the light.
They started to live and went where their parent couldn't.
Soon they realized that they also couldn't reach the light.
  One day, one of them decided to go back to the spirit.
It went through the darkness and avoided the middle parts.
When it reached the feet of the spirit, the large parts stood in its way.
They tested the little one and they were happy with what they have seen.
  The little one came to its parent.
It told the spirit about the world.
Spirit was very happy about everything the little one told it about, and it decided to give it a reward.
With its remaining power, it made the dream of the little one come true.
  But as it did it, it started to shrink.
And the large ones surrounded it in a shell to make it safe."     "There once was a spirit living in a small dark place...


Everyone in The Pit knows this story.

Cultural Reception

People of The Pit know that when the seed in the middle of The Pit starts to grow, the world starts to change.
A lot of cultures think that the The Tree growing out of the seed is the spirit from the story.
As such one of the most popular rumors surrounding this tale is the one saying that when the Tree grows to its limit, the person who reaches its top will have their wish come true.

Cover image: Call of the Tree by Revyera


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