Andaelite Material in The Bennorian Chronicles | World Anvil


Magical Crystals of Maezes

Still a WIP!
  magical crystals found in The Fells


Origin & Source

As of yet, no one has figured out the precice circumstances required for the formation of Andaelite. Because it is only found in The Fells and was not known to be in Maezes before The Fall, it is believed that it might be a solid state of the wild magics that run rampant in the wasteland.

Life & Expiration

The magical energies contained within the crystals slowly depete once they are removed from The Fells. The rate of depletion is so small it's barely detectable unless the crystal is a smaller shard. This was first discovered after the first shipload of Andaelite arrived in Shiris where they found every shard smaller than 2 inches had simply dissapated and the shards around 3 inches were almost completely depeated.
If placed within a magical construct the energies can be used to power the construct. However harnessing these energies outside The Fells has proven to be quite volitial.
Extremely rare outside Maezes.
Iridescent, semi translucent
Common State
Crystalline Solid
Related Locations


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