The azure sea The Arrival of the Elves

The Arrival of the Elves



The Antarians are said to have been the original, precursor race of the Elves.

Before the Great Deluge washed away the sins of the surface lands the Antarians were servants of the Antediluvians. They were bright and gay, and lived only to serve their masters. They created great art, and were responsible for the naming of the stars and developing the calendar.   Yet one of the Antarians, a shy youngster named Rhalyf, asked a question that would eventually come to shatter the world. He simply asked "why do we serve and who shall serve the servants?".   This simple question set loose a chain of thought in the minds of the Antarians, and their desire to unshackle themselves from the chains of their masters grew. Eventually the inevitable happened. A revolution began, and the Antarians cast off their servitude with hubris, and demanded recompense from the Antediluvians who had been their masters for years uncounted.   The Antediluvians would not be cowed, for they had created much of the world. They knew that the beasts of jealousy, pride, inquisitiveness and injustice had awoken within the Antarian hearts, and that there was no way to cage them again. So instead they decided to break the Antarians.   What had been made so well could not so easily be unmade however, so instead the Antediluvians shattered the Antarians' souls into four new races. The first Elves were born. Into the Eldgach they placed the beast of pride, into the Alugach they placed the beast of inquisitiveness. Injustice was given into the hearts of the Grugach, and the Drow received the beast of jealousy.   But the Antediluvians were not done.   Knowing that these four races had now been unleashed on the world they decided to first wash it clean of the sins of Rhalyf, and so they used their powers to raise the oceans, and the lands were covered under a Great Deluge.

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