Alugach Species in The Azure Sea | World Anvil


Alugach, or sea elves, fell in love with the wild beauty of the ocean in the earliest days of the multiverse. While other Elves travelled from realm to realm, the sea elves navigated the deepest currents and explored the waters across a hundred worlds. Today, they live in small, hidden communities on floating island of coral in the ocean shallows.   Player character Alugach have the features detailed opposite in addition to the ones they get from being Elves.

Alugach around the Azure Sea

After the Great Schism, the Alugach fled the shores of Antaros and disappeared under the waves. They are now rarely seen on land and keep to themselves.   Sailors have told tales about being blown off course by strange winds and running aground on coral reefs where none are shown on navigational maps. These stories recount the few encounters with Alugach, who seem to have made homes on these reefs that drift (or are piloted) on the ocean currents. The few tales that are reliable seem to point to the area around Perial Atoll as being a common factor. The coral reef city of Limuthys is said to be somewhere in the area.   Alugach travellers often carry concentrated Coral Foam with them in small wooden barrels, that they can dilute with water when they feel the need for a refreshing reminder of home.

Alugach (Aquatic Elf) by Joel Thomas

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Ability Score Increase +1 Con
Size Medium
Speed 30 ft.

Sea Elf Training. You have proficiency with the spear, trident, light crossbow, and net.   Child of the Sea. You have a swimming speed of 30 feet, and you can breathe air and water.   Friend of the Sea. Using gestures and sounds, you can communicate simple ideas with any beast that has an innate swimming speed.   Languages. You can speak, read and write Aquan.

Cover image: Races of the Azure Sea by Tyler Jacobson


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