Manthalay Meravanchi Character in The Azure Sea | World Anvil

Manthalay Meravanchi

Lord Meravanchi is a nobleman, soldier and merchant adventurer who lives in Keymouth. A member of the notorious house of Meravanchi, he doesn’t live up to the debauched reputation of the rest of his family.   At one time he was incredibly wealthy and controlled a fleet of merchant ships which spread across the The Azure Sea, but a failed venture a number of years ago brought his empire to ruin. Since then, he hasn’t lived in penury, but he has an air of faded grandeur.   Manthalay is the older brother of the Meravanchi patriarch Zebula, and uncle to Avner Meravanchi.  

Appearance and Mannerisms

Tall and haggard, Manthalay dominates any room that he is present in. His slicked back, shoulder length black hair is greying at the roots, and his tanned face is lined with scars and deep wrinkles.   He wears functional clothing that is often rimed with salt and dirt, his tattered cloak denoting a man of action, despite his noble upbringing.   Manthalay expects to be heard and obeyed, especially by those he deems as inferior to his station.  

Notable Achievements

Meravanchi has a notable soft spot for his niece – Tina – and joined the movement to help save her from being executed after she publicly aided revolutionaries lead by General Illinar the Fifth.   After these events, Manthalay took a commission in the Cerulean Army. However, some months later, he spied the chance to regain his lost fortune. The Emperor of the Waves, the ship whose loss had ruined his fortune previously, was spotted floating off the coast. With Mormac Seymour, he outfitted an expedition to regain their lost wealth.   The expedition was successful, and he set about founding the Meravanchi Trading Concern.

Adventurer and tradesman of the noble Meravanchi family.

View Character Profile
Year of Birth
5729 AtD 57 Years old
Current Residence
5' 10"
150 lbs
Aligned Organization

Cover image: Characters by Tyler Jacobson
Character Portrait image: Manthalay Meravanchi by Unknown


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