Madallaidh Tribe Organization in The Al'akyrian Realms | World Anvil

Madallaidh Tribe


The Madallaidh Tribe are feared stalkers and hunters of the Baegir. They stalk the crags with swords, bows, and stealth. They hunt in groups, never once going alone to take on an opponent. They'll set up archers, warriors, among others around their target, waiting until they are unsuspected and strike quickly. However, given their affinity for wolves and many of them taking a wolf companion, there are some perhaps that take this affinity perhaps too far...


The Highlands of the The Stormswept Foothills are filled with steep slopes and tall hills. The Madallaidh Tribe makes their home within these slopes, creating large burrows and cave systems within. Some do still live outside but many live within the hills themselves, creating a home not unlike a wolf might. Their affinity for Madadh-allaidh, Aspect of the Wolf is said to be unmatched amongst the other Great Tribes. However, the one den that any decent tribesman will stay away from is Wolfsbraken where those who took their affinity for their patron too far and began to turn into beasts themselves are exiled to.


While the Madallaidh Tribe are famous and perhaps infamous for a great many things, their tactics in warfare and their loyalty to one another knows no bounds. They are fierce warriors and will never abandon a member of their pack unless absolutely necessary. Beyond that, many of their warriors find companionship in the wolf packs that stalk the highlands, bonding to a warrior until one of them dies. Of course, there are some things others question about this tribe such as the mere existence of Wolfsbraken where even members of other Great Tribes are barred from entering.

The Pack Sticks Together

Geopolitical, Tribe
Alternative Names
Mountain Wolf Tribe
Ruling Organization
Power Structure
Feudal state
Economic System
Barter system
Official State Religion
Controlled Territories


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