The Synod Organization in Teutspedia | World Anvil

The Synod

The Synod is the high religious council of Teutonia. Every Synod is conveyed with a purpose in mind. The Synod is permitted to assemble by the leader of the nation and then headed by a Kardinal. Once the purpose of The Synod has been met it is usually dissolved. Throughout its existence, its aims are to determine the will of the Gods and to enforce the religious laws of the land for which it is granted specific legal rights.
As well as working towards its intended purpose, The Synod meets to discuss the will of the Gods and interpret their influence within the world. It also seeks out and protects religious artefacts and keeps a watchful eye on the populace, looking for signs of heresy, blasphemy and malcontents of the soul, punishing those who would break the laws of the Gods.


Ten seats were created on the current Synod, one for each of the ten recognised churches at the time. These were Mortis, Bane, SythisSyth, Khorne, Khoreg, Bacchus, Leherin the Enlightened, Lorelei, Gul and Mistress of the Seas. The seats are usually taken by the highest ranked clergy of each church present. If no such person is present then a devout follower of their god may sit in their place. There is a great disparity among these as some have no formalised clergy or temples at all leaving interpretation open to the laypersons understanding but The Synod recognises faith over organised church and collectively accepts that the gods will guide their understanding on important matters. Not every God is represented at each meeting.
With the appearance of Lythas the Messenger and increased favour from the Church of Syth, additional places were created taking the number to twelve seats. The Hidden One is never represented at all in the Synod.


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