Church of Khoreg Organization in Teutspedia | World Anvil

Church of Khoreg

Khoregates are an extremely lawful military/religious group. They are often human, but any race with a strong sense of self-discipline is welcomed. They have a deep sense of honour and follow a strict religious and military structure in all things.
They believe that death should be no barrier to the defence of Teutonia and that the dead should rise up to fight alongside the living until victory is achieved. They are formidable warriors and often make up the vanguard of many a Teutonian army.

Khoregates have churches and shrines across Teutonia and monkish retreats where warrior priests are trained. Munich is often seen as the captain of Khoreg worship, with the religious centre of the religion being the Cathedral of Munich. In some part of the cities history it was renamed as Khoregate, even to this day it is sometimes referred as such. 

Tenets of Faith

If you give your word, keep it, but do not give it lightly.
Death is no excuse.
Life is no excuse either.
War and skill at arms are both the means and the end.
Treat farmers well, as long as they cultivate fruit or grain that can be fermented into alcohol.
Honour your brewer, vintner and distiller.
Fell no willow trees, punish those who do.
Pain is good for the soul.
There are only winners and corpses: only fight fair on your honour.
Spare no effort in slaying those who break their honour.
Make sure someone is watching your back.
Beware of Demons they can take many forms.
The ends justify the means; Demons are a weapon if they are in your army but a hellish abomination in your foes’.
Mix equal parts of the wines of Opporto and Jerez. This is Elixir.
Strive for glory, strive for truth.


It is customary for priests to perform a Khoregate service at least once per gathering of the warhost. This involves the mixing of some potent alcohol, or Elixir, into a chalice, which is then passed around those present to praise Khoreg. Other devotions to Khoreg involve reciting Khoregate prayers during battle and reading from the many literatures and songs. When a Khoregate dies upon the battlefield, it is acceptable to leave him amongst his slain enemies (in case he rises up with Khoreg’s will and continues to fight), but if appropriate, the body should be returned to a Khoregate priest where a ceremony can be performed and the body given the chance to rise again.


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