The Battle With No Name Myth in Teutspedia | World Anvil

The Battle With No Name

And I stood upon a red sand plain that stretched as far as the eye could see, and all was silent;
I looked again and I saw that the sand was dried blood of countless slain;
And through the plain ran a milk white river;
And the river was the blood of gods that cannot dry whilst some belief remains;
In the sky was the sun;
But it moved not for even time was ended;
And beside the sun was the lightless moon.

  The vision changed;
And I saw a figure sitting on a hill;
As I drew closer I saw that it was the god Khoreg;
And the hill was his slain foes
He moved not for he was weary and his halberd was blunted from use.

  Now a cloud of dust obscures my view,
And from it appear four horsemen,
And between them they carry a box of silver sealed with five seals of black,
The leading horse is white and the rider upon it’s back wears a crown of gold,
The second horse is red and the rider bears a slender sword,
The third is black and the rider bears a pair of scales
And the last is brown and the horseman carries a staff of snakes.

  And I saw in the sky an numberless host dressed in white,
“Why must we wait”, they cried,
“Have we not suffered enough”
“When will we have release”
“Why must we wait”
Then laughter filled the sky.

  And the riders approached the god Khoreg,
And placed the silver box at his feet,
But Khoreg moved not, nor uttered a word,
Then the first rider spoke,
“Lord Khoreg, we return that which is thine”
But Khoreg remained silent,
“Lord Khoreg, take up that which you lost”
And finally Khoreg spoke,
“I know what you bring and I shall never again take it!”
And the second rider spoke,
“But thou must, it is thine”
But Khoreg moved not,
And silence fell across the world.

  A lone figure in white walked across the land,
In his hand he carried a trumpet of shining bronze,
He approached the hill upon which Khoreg sat,
And he spake thus,
“Lord Khoreg, thine enemies challenge you,
the victor may decide the fate of the world that is, the world that was and the world that may be”
And the Lord Khoreg rose wearily,
“Let it be so!”
And then the figure raised the trumpet to his lips.

  The first note was low,
And the sun fell from the sky and broke upon the world,
And where the pieces fell fire erupted from the earth,
The second note was high,
And the firmament was splintered as a broken mirror,
And the shards reigned down on the earth,
But the third note was silent,
And its vibration was felt throughout creation,
And the world shattered into pieces, and the rift was torn open again.

  The winds of limbo howl,
The void spills upon creation,
The seas of Chaos fill space and time,
And upon the pieces of the world stand the remaining gods,
About them those of their followers who remain,
And mightiest is Khoreg.

  And I saw a glade,
Bright in spring sunshine,
At it’s centre stood a figure dressed in red,
She lifted a cup to her lips and drank deep,
As she drinks her true form is revealed,
And voices filled the glade,
“We have been deceived,
But no longer shall we be lied to,
We come and all is dust”.

  Through the Chaos sea comes a horde,
Slavering, mutated, tentacled and vile,
And at their head strode Moliach and Gelgerrigoth and Heiroth and Voorg,
And they sought revenge.

  And the demon army crashed upon the sundered lands of the gods like a mighty wave upon the shore,
And fierce was the struggle,
Shouts and curses filled the air,
As did limbs and heads,
And the slaughter was immense.
Moliach led his horde against the gods of magic,
And they were overthrown,
And magic fled creation,
Heiroth met the gods of the land in combat,
And they too were cast down and perished,
And Voorg seeing this cried victory and stormed the hill upon which The Ogre King stood amongst his Ogres,
But The King of Ogres bit the head from Voorg and spat it back into the void,
And he made a traditional gesture.

  But the mightiest of the demon hordes followed Gelgerrigoth,
And they attacked Khoreg and his children,
Gelgerrigoth cried out,
“Long have I suffered in the void and long have I waited for the time of ending”,
And the demons came on, a numberless host,
And thrice the followers of Khoreg threw them back into the chaos sea with great slaughter,
But each time fewer Khoregates remained with their lord,
For time unmeasured the battle continued amongst the sea of chaos,
And the numbers of the gods dwindled,
And the demons came on,
Upon Khoreg’s hill the four riders stirred,
The first spoke,
“Lord it is time to take up your burden”
And so saying he broke the first seal,
The second said “It is fated”
And broke the second seal,
“You have no choice”, said the third breaking the third seal,
“It is your eternal destiny” said the last,
And as the fourth seal was broken a chanting was heard,
“We wait no more”
And Khoreg paused from his task and cast aside the demon he held by the throat,
“I cannot, I have so sworn and my word cannot be broken”

  As the battle raged, and the demons pressed closer and all was lost a warrior stood forth and spoke unto the Lord Khoreg,
“I shall take up this burden, lord”
But the riders said, “It is not possible, only Khoreg may do that”
And Khoreg said,
“I am my followers, I am always with them, let him take up this thing”
“But it will kill him”
“Death is no excuse!”
And so saying Khoreg smote the last, and greatest, seal with Brightwoe,
Seal and halberd broke asunder,
And a cry, as of a wolf, filled the void,
And then was silent,
And from the box rose the sword, black and malign,
But the warrior grasped it and held it,
And the sword spoke unto him,
“Why art thou not dead, you are but a mortal and I am a weapon of a god”,
And he replied,
“Because I refuse to die, my spirit is strong and I am with my Lord”
And Khoreg laughed, and ripped a demon in half with his bare hands,
Then from above was heard a cry,
And through the dark came an armoured host,
And Heinrich was at their head,
All in steel were they, dressed in red and iron swords were in their hands,
Warriors of Khoreg all.

  And through the mist and carnage of battle I saw Khoreg lead forth his warriors,
Into the demon host they burst,
And none could withstand their onslaught,
Through the dismembered demons walked the warrior, sword in his hand,
But no blow did he strike,
But no demon would approach him,
Khoreg sought out Moliach,
And finding him pulled out his stomach and garrotted him with his entrails,
“This I should have done a long time ago”
And then he found Heiroth,
He was thrown to the warriors of Khoreg and trampled under foot,
Lastly he came unto Gelgerrigoth,
And the demon trembled,
But Khoreg touched him not, but called forth the warrior with the sword,
“Now is the time of renaming”
And the void screamed,
The chaos sea churned, and the weaker were drowned,
And the warrior said,
“I give you your third and last name,
And that is, Entropy,
For you bring the end of all things,
So saying he struck Gelgerrigoth,
The demon crumbled into dust.
And all was silent.

  I see as in a dream the Lord Khoreg,
He leads his followers again in battle,
But now only the strongest of spirit can stay with him,
And they are victorious,
All are swept before them,
The dead rise high in the sea of chaos,
And the demons flee again unto the void.

  Khoreg speaks to his followers,
They are girt as for a funeral,
“So it is as it has always been,
All things must change and be renewed,
Only the strongest can survive,
Trust not those who prophesise the end,
You will know when the true final battle is to be, And it has no name”
Date of First Recording
Date of Setting
The End of the World
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