The Khoregate Creation Myth Myth in Teutspedia | World Anvil

The Khoregate Creation Myth

It was the time of entropy, the gods were born of order amid the sea of Chaos.
The firmament burned forth across the sky.
The moon was born in the torment of the earth.
The sun burned cold in a sky of blood.

  Amid the sea of chaos, the spirit of Khoreg shouted, “I Will Live.”
And the sea of Chaos beat upon him and he fought it and swam against it.
And the sea of Chaos sent great monsters against him, and with his fists he beat them back. As their numbers grew he knew he must do more.
When the monsters attacked once more he ripped the limb from one and used it as a cudgel but still they came on.
Khoreg could not freely swing his cudgel amid the waves.
So Khoreg seized the greatest of the monsters and leapt upon its back and with the cudgel he slew it.
From his place upon its shoulders he slew the other creatures until their bodies piled up around him and became an island.
And the remaining monsters fled.

  Other islands rose from amid the Sea of Chaos, other gods emerged and some fought and some were friends.
The gods walked among the lands and the plants and the animals appeared. The Sun shone warm and songs were sung under the moon.
And creatures came forth from the sea and the mountains and the gods fought them.
Khoreg saw that the axes and the spears of other gods were more terrible than was his own cudgel.
So as the gods fell back before the onslaught of the monsters, Khoreg took upthe weapons of two who fell.
But the Monster’s arms were longer than his axe and their skin too tough for the spear to pierce.
So Khoreg took the head of the axe and put it on the spear shaft. With this halberd he hewed the head from the creature called Gelgerrigoth.
And Khoreg led the Gods forth.
And all that withstood him fell before him.
Even in the midst of his enemy none could withstand his anger.
But the enemy crept behind him and might have slain him had not Khorne the Ogre God come to his aid. Thus they fought back to back until the battle was won.
So Khoreg sat upon the field of victory and cried out, “I need a drink!”
Date of First Recording
Date of Setting
Before the Creation of the World
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