Iqo Daecaryn Character in Terratos | World Anvil
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Iqo Daecaryn

Ranger Iqo Daecaryn

Iqo Daecaryn is an Elven Ranger and companion of Jacub Everton. He is a pure-blood Elf who has a very distinct personality filled with sarcasm, optimism, and puns. He was born and raised in the city of Lilith, where he had been training to be a ranger all his life.   When Jacub sets out on his quest to forge the Aetherium Master Armor and save his mother, Iqo joins him and the two grow to have an inseparable bond together.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Iqo is a tall, slender boy who is very agile because of his Ranger training. Overall, he is very healthy, having no scars, wounds or deformations.

Body Features

Iqo is slim and a little muscular. He is rather tall, being around 1.91 meters tall, slightly taller than Jacub Everton. He also has long legs and arms.

Facial Features

Iqo's face shares typical Elven characteristics such as pointy ears, nose and chin and thin lips. He has green/cyan-colored hair, green/cyan eyebrows, and yellow eyes. He also has a sharp jawline. The top of his pointy ears sticks out of his messy green/cyan haircut.

Identifying Characteristics

Iqo's most notable feature is his combination of yellow eyes and green/cyan hair, being a rare set of traits for an Elf to have in conjunction.

Special abilities

Iqo is extremely capable with a bow and also able to defend himself with his sword and dagger.  He is also able to rally some wildlife to come to his aid when he is in need.

Apparel & Accessories

Iqo usually wears his ranger uniform, which is made up of red leather with pulverized Mythril woven into it for extra protection, giving it a faint cyan reflection. In his free time, he just wears his casual clothing consisting of a green shirt and brown pants made up of cotton fabric.   Iqo carries his bow with him at all times, which he heavily personalized, being made out of the wood of the Eivlahheye tree which exclusively grows in the Ulf of Mythril. This gives his bow its green color. He also engraved the initials of his parents into it. Iqo also carries a sword and dagger with him, which he also made from the wood of the Eivlahheye tree and with the blade from Mythril, a mineral which is also exclusively found in the Ulf of Mythril, giving the blade a cyan color.    Whenever he is outside of the Ulf of Mythril, he also carries a hood in order to conceal his ears as Elves are not tolerated within the lands of The Crimson Empire.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Iqo is a pure-blood Elf born in the city of Lilith. He was orphaned as his parents died during and shortly after his birth and were taken in by Ilvisar, a respectable member of the Elven Rangers who also took Jacub Everton under his wing. The two spent their teenage years together whilst training to become Rangers themselves under the supervision of Ilvisar. Despite technically being stepbrothers, Iqo and Jacub didn't consider each other as such since Jacub is not a pure-blood elf, but the two develop a very close friendship nonetheless.    As Iqo heavily associated Elven society with his passed parents, something he wanted to get away from, he always longed to be part of something greater, to set out and explore the world. When Jacub wanted to leave the Elven capital in search of the materials for the Aetherium Master Armor, Iqo gladly joined him after convincing Ilvisar and the Elven High Council that it was too dangerous for Jacub to go alone.

Gender Identity





From the age of four, Iqo started his Ranger training, being thought everything about the nature that surrounds Lilith, broadening his understanding in the forces of nature. Despite excelling in his class, he preferred more direct learning through experience, but due to his age, Ilvisar wouldn't allow him to venture into the dense forests of Ugheria.   When Iqo turned twelve, he started his combat training, which he liked a lot more and performed even better at, being one of the best archers that Ilvisar had ever trained. Whilst also being more than capable of handling himself at hands-on combat with a sword, he preferred archery since "being at a distance allows me to retreat if things go south".   Two years later, Jacub Everton arrived at Lilith and the two became close training partners, teaching Jacub everything he knew about nature and combat.


Being part of the Rangers, Iqo fell under the Warrior Caste of the Elven Civilization. His Rangership is the only form of employment that Iqo had known.

Accomplishments & Achievements

During his Ranger training, Iqo was considered to be one of the bests of his class and even the best archer that Ilvisar had ever trained.

Mental Trauma

Iqo's mother died during childbirth and shortly after, his father committed suicide. He does not vividly remember these events, as he was only an infant at the time, but deep down, it troubles him that he lost both his parents and he never got to know his true parents. Therefore, he wants to be as far from Lilith as possible, as he heavily associates Elven society with his parents.

Intellectual Characteristics

Iqo has a high intellectual capacity, being able to pass the theoretical parts of his Ranger training with ease, whilst also excelling at his combat training.  He has deep knowledge about nature and is always eager to learn more about the locations that are not thought about, such as the Crimson Plains or The Sea of the Dead. Iqo is one of the few Elves who doesn't have an affinity with Magicka, so that doesn't interest him as much either.

Morality & Philosophy

Believing that he was responsible for his parents' deaths, Iqo feels like he needs to make up for this by protecting his loved ones with his life, and would, therefore, go to great lengths to keep his companion, Jacub Everton safe.    Iqo does strongly believe in combat etiquette, claiming that every opponent, no matter how cruel deserves a fair fight and mercy when pled for, refusing to strike down an opponent who has been disarmed.   As Iqo has no affinity towards Magicka, he does not have any devotion to its studies, but he does believe how there is a force that keeps nature in balance, seeing Humans as a threat to the balance of nature.


As Iqo strongly believes in combat etiquette, he has a very strong distaste towards anyone who doesn't honor this etiquette. He also doesn't tolerate any mention of his parents whatsoever.

Personality Characteristics


Iqo both wants to get away from his Elven homeland and be part of something greater, he happily joins Jacub Everton on his quest to forge the Aetherium Master Armor, believing this is what is going to eventually lead to a rebellion against the tyrannical Crimson Empire, allowing all the races to finally be able to coexist peacefully, Elves included.

Likes & Dislikes

Iqo loves just about anything that has to do with nature, being overly fascinated with the wide variety of plants and creatures that inhabit the continent of Terratos.  What Iqo doesn't like is Magicka, being somewhat jealous of the people that are able to wield it.

Virtues & Personality perks

Iqo has an exceptionally strong bond with nature and is able to communicate with animals like no other, being able to even rally animals to aid him in need. He also has a strong sense of brotherhood, being prepared to do anything to protect the people that he cares about.

Vices & Personality flaws

As Iqo has no affinity towards Magicka, he feels somewhat jealous of people that do have this affinity. He also struggles to recognize the bond that some people may have with their families, as he was orphaned shortly after his birth.


Contacts & Relations

Iqo was raised by Ilvisar and therefore sees him as his father figure, but he does not have a very strong bond with him as Ivlisar was often very busy with Ranger affairs, leaving little to no time to spend with Iqo and Jacub Everton  The closest person to Iqo is Jacub, having a near inseparable bond together throughout their travels across Terratos

Family Ties

Iqo has very little knowledge about his true family as he lost both his parents when he was very young. He now sees the Rangers as the closest thing he has to family.

Hobbies & Pets

Iqo has no pets himself, but he supports Jacub Everton's wish to get a fox. He also like spending his time studying nature and exploring the lands around him.


Iqo Daecaryn

Companion, step brother (Vital)

Towards Jacub Everton



Jacub Everton

Companion, step brother (Important)

Towards Iqo Daecaryn



Wealth & Financial state

Iqo has little personal wealth, as he is a Ranger. His most valuable possessions are his heavily personalised armor and weapons.
Chaotic good
Current Location
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Year of Birth
3244 AM 7 Years old
Circumstances of Birth
Iqo was orphaned as his mother passed away while giving birth to him. Not being able to deal with this loss, his father committed suicide shortly after. He was raised by Ilvisar
Jacub Everton (Companion, step brother)
Current Residence
Bright yellow as a topaz, black eyelashes, Cyan eyebrows
Cyan, messy, fuzzy, medium long (15cm)
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Aligned Organization
Known Languages
Mythrillic, Imperial Standard.

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