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Ipedemator and Ipedematrix


The Royal Auditor of a Demesne is an official rank given at the will of either the King or through Divine Decree. Such decrees are common enough and install the official with the powers of an Impedemator to assess the exact nature of a Demesne in a type of census - checking the current assets of the Demesne including Chattels and the use of the Parcels of land, as well as a general statement of the current tenants on the property in question.    

Inquisition Post Ex Dominum Et Mortum (IPEDEM) of a Demesne

      The Inquisition Post Ex Dominum Et Mortum is a double-audit of property. It is performed only by an appointed Ipedemator or Impedematrix.

  The process covers two types of situations - both linked to the passing of a demesne on to another owner.

In the first situation the lord of a demesne dies, and therefore an audit of the demesne is conducted after his or her death (Post Mortum).

In the second situation the audit is also triggered in the event of the lord of a demesne becoming controlled by another power (Ex Dominum - Out of Control (approx translation).

This second situation includes the contraction of undead status, such as an evil lich, full vampirism, or other undead status where the will of the lord could be given over to another. The process is also triggered when curses such as Lycanthropy, or any of it's subset of curses are involved. There have also been instances where , and can also be triggered in some circumstances by Charm spells where the intelligence of the Lord was below 9.

Clause D Trigger

In some instances it is also triggered when the individual is being controlled by otherworldly beings referred in statute as a Contraforce such as Demons, Daemons, Devils, Divinities, Dragons, and Djinn - known as the D Clause Enactment due to the exclusive use of D titled beings being listed as recognised 'contra-forces'.


Unknown, but generally the receivers of the rank are already Judges of some sort and in some cases Sheriffs. 


The receiver of the appointment must have at least 14 intelligence and have the non-weapon proficiency of the Law.


THROUGH FLIGHT: The Appointee is said to receive a message in the form of a scroll which is rolled up and bound by a ring of gold - this is received from a bird, the species of which is said to denote the divinity or king who has sent the missive.

Eagles - Zeus, Doves - Aphrodite, Peacocks - Hera,

Grounds for Removal/Dismissal

This can happen at any time at the will of the Divinity or the King. Normally the role is linked to the availability of the individual to travel.

Cultural Significance

Nulle terre sans seigneur (No Land Without a Lord) The core principle of Atlantean Law is that without a Lord in his demesne there is no tenancy permitted by any other. This means that if an area becomes bereft of a Noble owner than it must be vacated unless the King chooses to take the land back prior to re-infeudalment of the parcel of land. This leaves many blocks of land in states of various tenancy and in many cases the villiens or tenants must vacate until the land tenure is resolved. 

This being the case the Impedemator is a CRITICAL part of estate management throughout the kingdoms. 

Civic, Law
Form of Address
Your Honor
Alternative Naming
Impedem, the Imp
Equates to
Executor of an Estate
Source of Authority
the King, or Divine Decree
Length of Term
at the will of the King or the Divinity
Reports directly to
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