Deities of Terra Nova in Terra Nova | World Anvil

Deities of Terra Nova

Deities of Terra Nova can be divided into several groups. The first are the so-called primordial deities who were present since the beginning of time and had part in the creation of the world. Those deities were worshipped by both elves as well as are currently worshipped by humans.

The second group of deities are the Ascended. They are humans who became deities. In most cases they are people who prayed or meditated in places of power dedicated to one of the primordial deities. One of the Ascended is Esther, the goddess of the Queendom of Esteria.

The last group are pseudo-deities. Those are beings, people, animals and objects that aren't gods, but humans treat them as such. The most prominent example is how the people of the Inherited Empire treat elves as deities.

Primordial Deities

  • Genesis - god of creation and life. Also referred to as the Absent God, because he rarely interferes with the matters of the material world
  • Vessa - goddess of water and sea
  • Aerus - god of the air and sky
  • Petra - goddess of the earth and nature
  • Trath - god of time and fate
  • Mord - god of death
  • The Ascended

  • Esther - goddess of the Queendom of Esteria
  • Pseudo-deities

  • Malgath the Great - a great elven military commander treated by the people of the Inherited Empire as a god of war

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