Republic of California Organization in Terra (ROTH) | World Anvil

Republic of California


The Republic of California segregated from the United States during the rise of the dragons along with many other west coast states, due to political divide regarding the crisis and formed an alliance of semi-independent nation states. Although most of the states did not survive independently during the War of Black Ash, most were absorbed into being a part of the Republic along with some parts of Mexico west of the Rocky Mountains.   The Republic of California remains to this day as one of the largest and most successful surviving parts of the former United States of America, and often serves as a mediator with the others alongside the Independent State of New York.

Demography and Population

The Republic of California is quite diverse, hosting populations of every race on Terra. It is also rather uniquely peaceful between its populations


Like most regions to close to the Land of Gods, the pantheon dominates most religious beliefs with its large host of local gods and those whose territories overlap. The Republic also hosts a large population of Solar Dragonflight dragons, whose culture and religion has integrated with the rest of the populace.

Foreign Relations

The republic has good standing with other Laramidian territories, being a large contributor to much of the subcontinent's agricultural trade.

Agriculture & Industry

California boasts a massive agricultural and fishing industry, growing and exporting most food found in Laramidia. In particular, California is well known for its fruit such as apples, strawberries, pears, lemons, oranges, and various melons. The majority of California's food is sold out of state. The fishing industry is strong along California's vast coastline.

Trade & Transport

Through many highways across the territory and outside of it, California is able to trade over land through a vast network with the surrounding area. Thanks to many miles of coastline, California also has an incredibly large amount of seaports for which to utilize for trade as well, sending cargo ships all around North America and across the Pacific, stopping at the numerous island nations and into Asia as well.   California's trade industry is to some controversy, however, as the majority of food produced within the state does not stay in it long enough to be sold, primarily going to other areas for sale and higher profits. As a result, most food in California actually eaten by residents is actually from out of the nation, often from Asia, Mexico, or Great Plains. Storms, politics, and fuel shortages in the past have caused delays in California's imports of its own food supply in the past and export of its trade, causing economic issues and food shortages many times in the past.
Geopolitical, Republic
Alternative Names
California, Cali
Predecessor Organization
Head of State
Government System
Democracy, Representative
Californian Dollar
Official Languages
Controlled Territories
Notable Members


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