Temple to Ouros Building / Landmark in Tellus | World Anvil

Temple to Ouros

Built upon a hilltop, on a tiny island near to the borders of the ancient Tolmec Empire, this temple to the mountain spirits was built in times long past.   When the empire was abandoned by its people, the temples all fell to ruin. This one has been guarded by devoted Bone Naga for as long as it has been in existence, as well as hidden from view for most of that time. The jungle is voracious, after all, and reclaims its own even faster than people can build such things as temples.   In a shiny, brand-new seeming reliquary on a stone altar there is a golden torque, set with a locket stylized to look like a set of human lips. The instant it is donned, the wearer's voice gains a certain gravitas, as if what they have to say is that much more important than anything anyone else could possibly think of.

Within a reliquary in the first room lies a necklace. It is a very special item, called The Voice of Beauty, that scholars have been itching to study for many years, now. However, no one from the world famous bastion of knowledge called The Bardic College Campus is allowed to search for, or study, this temple. It is rumored that this is because it has been forbidden by Trayvon the Lighthearted, himself, for some reason.

There is an old campsite located on the eastern wall of the ruin. The fire here has been cold for many years; decades maybe, and the food and water have all rotted and crumbled away long ago. A DC12 Investigation check will reveal that it was abandoned in a hurry, but whoever had set themselves up, here, had planned on having a nice picnic dinner before bed. Instead, the unknown camper fled, leaving behind his or her entire campsite, and one red shoe.
Ruined Temple
This temple is built of limestone quarried from below the structures themselves, as the landscape was levelled to build them. Tectonic activity, over time, has led to the downfall of this once grand set of worship halls, but three of its four holy wells still emit brilliant light. One of them was destroyed when a nearby volcano erupted; this one is so deep as to seem bottomless.   The surviving ceilings are all twelve feet high.

Purpose / Function

This temple was originally built in honor of Milil, God of Bards, song and story. Milil serves Oghma, lord of knowledge.


The structure has fallen to ruin, and much of the roof has collapsed. The Holy Well in the first room is broken, likely by the massive stone block that landed on top of it at some point in the island's tectonic past. No light shines from its depths; in fact, the opposite is true. It, in fact, seems to have no bottom...


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