Gäng Starres

"You mess with me, you mess with my whole family"

Caul Chichinitz, Jr.
1st year Intro to PSS final
Perisocial Sciences building, Prof. Tillinghast
300+ word essay on an interesting social phenomenon
22 Taug, 5066NG
The world around, a phenomenon has been noted by the Perisocial Sciences Department at that world famous bastion of learning, The Bardic College Campus. Many of the buildings and theaters within the confines of the campus itself hold examples of this tradition; it has become so commonplace, many people never even question why it is there. Gracing barns, gables, homes, and inns, everywhere one has an opportunity to roam, one is likely to find a gäng starre within one's line of sight. Oh, their variations are many and change slightly with geography, but they all have the same basic structure, style, and iconography. Layered in deep symbology yet nested within socially accepted norms, these decorative fixtures are so common as to be overlooked by anyone except the builder installing it. Much like the weather vanes atop barns and public water-closets, they are just a part of the background scenery of one's everyday life. But where, nobody asked, did they come from? And, why, thought no one, is it in the shape of, or reminiscent of, a triple star? In this paper the author strains to offer answers to the questions no one has asked.
  According to the archives at the Greynor branch of the Order of Oghma, the tradition dates back to the human Times of Toil when it was a lynch-able offence to support Elves or other non-humans within human settlements. We1 did not find an actual name of the first person or persons to use it, but it became so widespread so quickly that it brought together the various factions of humans running underground organizations to save elves and other non humans from brutality, and to spirit them away to safety using various clever machinations and vehicles.    As a side note; the city of Greynor, wherein lies our lauded and storied institution known as The Bardic College Campus, was the capitol city of a city state of the same name back then. It became known as the only safe haven for elves and other non humans, and is situated so that they are eminently defensible. Even though the other city-states waged war both overt and covert, they were never able to take Greynor away from the noble family who saw it as their duty to protect any peaceful refugees. The The Greys became known as peace makers and mediators, but also as ferocious enemies.


Dating back to the Human Times of Toil, these symbols are really a beacon of hope and endurance. They are also, however, a warning to those who would come for the residents thusly protected; vengeance is eternal. The underground group would secretly hunt those who harried or harassed their brethren, in various secretive and brutally effective ways. So, while the signs certainly infer a welcome to those in need, they are also a warning to those who would hurt, or harm in any way, the inhabitants so protected. It has been ages and generations since any of this was even meant by the pictograms' displayers. They have become, in a word, decoration.


Each color and shape has a meaning. The subtlety of these beauteous works cannot be overstated, however, we1 compiled a reference chart for a brief introduction to the symbology:
  • Black, and blue, are generally known as meaning 'protection'. Black is known for blending things together, or binding elements; whereas blue was associated with serenity and protecting the spirit.
  • Brown, green, orange and red all signified the sustenance provided by Tellus; soil, strength, fertility, growth, abundance, etc.
  • Red signifies lust and passion, creativity and emotion. Also found to symbolize charisma, or charismatic leaders. Audacity, etc.
  • Purple is, of course, the royal color. It signifies religion, or holy ground. Sacred, etc.
  • White is associated with the two moons, and free flowing energy. Purity, etc.
  • Yellow not only denotes a connection to the gods, or a connection to a particular god; it also symbolizes health, and love. The sun, etc.
  • Birds tend to symbolize friendship, happiness, and luck; but also, the protective side of those relationships. 'You mess with me, you're messing with my whole family'.
  • Lambs are used to bless unions; a clear symbol that children are welcome here. Snakes, however, symbolize temptation. Snakes are commonly shown amidst tulips, which are the wedding symbol.
  • The unicorn is a singular creature representing piety, virtue, or purity.
Plants and flowers:
  • Leaves denote, in general, long life and good health
  • Tulips are a symbol of charity and peace, often used to represent happy marriages. However, a snake within the tulips is a connotation of temptation.
  • Wheat sheaves and, less commonly, pomegranates, symbolize abundance, fertility, and healthy lives and livestock.
Shapes and symbols:
  • Stars always denote protection and luck2.
  • Hearts, of course, symbolise love. When enclosed in a circle, it comes to mean 'endless love'.
  • Rosettes; the six petal rosette being the most common by far. It is meant to ensure good luck and fine fortune.
  • Raindrops are, of course, the representation of the bounty of the soil.
  • Scallops signify the waves on the ocean, and sailing smoothly through life.
1 'We'; being the author, with the help of the archivist at the Order of Oghma library and archive in the city of Greynor.
2 Bringing us full circle to the signs and symbols for protection offered to the elves and other non humans which came during the Elven Purge
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