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Crystalline Essentia


Material Characteristics

Crystalline essentia has a distinctive stair-step pattern, growing outward in angular squares. The intricate patterns are silvery, with a faint sheen of iridescent color.

Physical & Chemical Properties

Crystalline essentia is the crystalline/solid form of essentia magic. Essentia is the basic building block of esseni, dragons, and all other life on the planet. In its liquid state, essentia is dangerous to mortal creatures, as the magic's pull is so powerful that it has a tendency to reduce organic matter back to more essentia. Knights and Gods are the only individuals on the planet who are able to control essentia in this form.   Crystalline essentia, on the other hand, is inert. In this state, with enough training, the power and magic within the stones can be harnessed without fear of injury. The stones are somewhat weighty, and cool to the touch.

Geology & Geography

Crystalline essentia is found throughout the mountain ranges of Tarin. The most plentiful supply is within the Shirain Mountains of the continent of Allesyia. The crystals are byproducts of the creation of life on the planet, long buried beneath its surface. It's likely that additional crystalline essentia could be mined from almost any location on the planet, if one were to dig deep enough.   Unfortunately, many of the veins of crystalline essentia in the northern portions of the Shirain mountains have been overtaken by Vitralus, crystalline Celestial magic. Unlike crystalline essentia, Vitralus is deadly even in solid state, causing these mines to be abandoned once it was clear Vitralus was invading. Given the cold temperatures necessary for Vitralus to form, scientists hope that no more crystalline essentia will be overtaken.

History & Usage

Everyday use

Crystalline essentia is used in the production of Shoni Crystals. The magic in the stones is reformed by highly trained workers in Soren, before being imbued into the shoni crystals in order to make them habitable for Shoni Sprites.   Experiments into using crystalline essentia as an energy source have had mixed success.   Others will utilize the stones as a way to harness and strengthen their own magical potential. This is generally not recommended given the level of control necessary to wield essentia magic properly.

Cultural Significance and Usage

Crystalline essentia has also been used by various nations in religious rites to the Gods.
The base material is silver in color, with an iridescent sheen in a rainbow of colors.
Common State
Crystalline essentia is only found in its solid form.


The location of crystalline essentia mines is a closely guarded secret. These stones are highly sought after by Revenants, and the Oathbreakers have been known to attempt to take over said mine by force, killing all the workers.


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