Race for the Lilacs Tradition / Ritual in Tarien | World Anvil

Race for the Lilacs

Run on Kingsday of Thirdden, every Planting Moon, the Race for the Lilacs in the longest continuously running horse race - and perhaps race of any kind - on Tarien. Held in Tharichen, a generally central point in the Zennonaize Confederacy, it has been run annually since 174 BC. Named for the lilacs blooming around Tharichen at that time of year, the purse, put up by the Dono himself, has grown substantially since the first race and now sits as 300 gold for the winner.
The race itself is a three mile steeplechase, complete with hedges, water hazards, other obstacles. While the venue remains the same, each year a promising young member of the Zennonaize Cavalry is honored with the design of the course. With a field limited to twelve contestants, each of which must be approved by the Dono himself, simply running in the race is considered one of the highest honor among the horse-crazed Zennonaize. Winning brings prestige that far outweighs the purse and many winners have gone to lucrative military careers and even found themselves marrying into nobility.
Where there is horse racing there is always gambling and the race for the Lilacs is considered the greatest gambling event of the year. The Northwest Syndicate, of course, manages all of the betting and has been known to tilt the field to help ensure that their activities are profitable. While accusations of such corruption invariably fly every year, it is rare that any be proven. The Dono takes such matters seriously, impaling three gamblers on pikes along the course a few years ago when they were found attempting to poison one of the horses.
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